TDmonthly (TM) -Archives of ToyDirectory Toys and Games: Metal Drifter Professional Yo-Yo from DUNCAN TOYS

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MSRP: $20.00
Age Range: 12 and up
Target Age Range: 9 to 12
Specialty: Yes (as of 2010)
Made in: China
SKU or Item #: 3574XP
Launch Date: August 2010
Gender: Boys And Girls
Category: Yo-Yos
General Toys
Outdoor Fun

Duncan Toys introduces the Metal Drifter yo-yo, featuring a ball bearing axle for long sleep times, and an aircraft aluminum body. Included is a collectible counterweight, to attach to the string for Duncan's patented Freehand style of play where the yo-yo isn't attached to the players hand. "Metal Drifter takes competition yo-yo tricks to a new level," Brandon Jackson, National Sales & Marketing Coordinator for Duncan Toys, told TDmonthly.

ToyDirectory Product ID#: 31168      (added 11/15/2010)

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