In this highly competitive game, the goal is to become a Mashoonga! Warrior™ by being the first player to win six rounds, thereby completing a Mashoonga! Match.™ Opponents utilize their Mashoonga! Saber™ or Mashoonga! Bo Staff™, aiming to end a round by issuing a full-contact hit to the other player's body or limbs (certain types of hits are prohibited).
For the group that likes to have some competitive fun. Mashoonga!® Sabers by Revel King are new and unique sport toys for playing the new game of Mashoonga!. These are quality made products that will hold up to the intended abuse they will get. So, revel on!
For the pair of Mashoonga!® Warriors who want a very challenging dual that requires a higher skill set than playing with the sabers. You and your opponent will have hours of fun with the Mashoonga!® Bo-Staffs by Revel King. These are quality made products that will hold up to the intended abuse they will get. So, revel on!
The Mashoonga! Cadet is a foam saber for young children. It is made of premium materials that will provide months of fun and vigorous play. It is constructed to be safe and has a play pattern that promotes eye hand coordination, strategic skills and builds stamina. It teaches children good sportsmanship by following rules of play and how to safely play a contact sport. It is an all season toy that can also be used in and around water play. "The Mashoonga! Cadet is a premium product made to last. We replace it if it brakes under normal use," Jim Bogner, president of Revel King, told TDmonthly. Launch date: November 2010.
Mashoonga! Sabers by Revel King are the original soft, durable foam dueling sport-toys for people of all ages. Mashoonga! is a new twist on ancient martial arts that is a game of endurance, skill and agility. The structured play pattern enhances eye/hand coordination, strategic skills, speed and sportsmanship. It is extremely aerobic and helps players to get fit, stay in shape and build self-confidence. Mashoonga! Sabers are constructed of the highest quality materials available and are made to be safe and to last. If they break due to defect we replace it. They will provide hours of entertainment and fun for the entire family. Mashoonga! Sabers are an ideal boffer for those new to the sport of battle gaming.