Is Legislation Protecting U.S. Intelligence?
“On average, children whose blood lead levels rise from 10 to 20 mcg/dL lose two to three IQ points,” Dr. Dana Best said in September testimony before a Senate subcommittee. The loss of IQ points between 5 and 10 mcg/dL is even greater, at one point for every one mcg/dL.But an American Academy of Pediatrics representative pointed out that BLLs in children have fallen since the 1970s, from a median BLL of 15 mcg/dL in 1- to 5-year-old children from 1976 to 1980 to an average BLL for U.S. children of 2 to 3 mcg/dL. |
Can Lead Poisoning Be Treated?
For severe cases of lead poisoning, doctors might turn to chelation therapy, during which an agent is used to bind lead in the bloodstream so that it can be excreted from the body. “It decreases the potential of the damage, but it does not reverse the damage,” Dr. Best cautioned, noting that the process comes with its own dangers. |
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