July 26, 2024

TDmonthly Magazine

September 2009 | Vol. VIII - No. 9

My Funniest Toy Store Stories

Tales From the Front Line, Told by You

By Alison Marek
September 2009

Here are this month's stories, told by specialty toy retailers:

Just Like Dad

By Fred Rosenberg, owner of On the Park, Kingwood, Texas

Shortly after we started our Awesome Bucks reward program, a little boy came into the store. He was so small he couldn’t see over the counter. He had a little Toysmith item for $1 he wanted to purchase. He put the toy on the counter and then slapped down two Awesome Bucks. I slid one of them back toward him, saying, “This one’s for you.” But he held up his hand and told me, “No. You keep the change.”

We Didn’t Know That!
By Patricia Fiedler, owner of Child's Play/Green Frog Toys, Portland, Ore.

A local restaurant was having a grand opening and called us about an hour before the event was to start. Sheer panic was in the voice of the young girl : "I purchased a gross of kazoos from your toy store and I can't get them to work!” she said. She was happy to hear the magic kazoo words, "HUM — Don't Blow.” All went well and the restaurant customers loved the kazoos.

Not Funny, But Nice
By Patricia Fiedler, owner of Child's Play/Green Frog Toys, Portland, Ore.

I received a letter with $50 enclosed. It was from a young man who had felt guilty for many years. He had stolen a small $3.95 LEGO set from my store as a small boy. My faith in mankind was restored — for the moment!

Add your stories in the comments below … or email them to us. If we choose your story, we’ll publish a link to your store’s website, too!


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