July 26, 2024

TDmonthly Magazine

December 2010 | Vol. IX - No. 12

Ostriches Never Win

Get Your Head Out of the Sand and Face Reality

By Bob Phibbs
December 2010

The following article was reprinted with permission from the author.

Remember how Kirstie Alley famously lost weight the same time as Valery Bertinelli in 2007? Valerie has kept the weight off, Kirstie has put on more than ever.

Kirstie was quoted on the cover of US magazine saying she didn’t know when it happened that she started eating poorly again. "It just happened."

Isn't that human nature?

I'm always amazed when I'm called in to do a business makeover and I point out things that may seem obvious that the business owner didn't see until I pointed them out. (See my store makeover on video on Facebook. Click "previous" to see how the makeover progresses)

What Are You Hiding?
In Kirstie’s case, she wasn't able to change until she saw the horrible picture some tabloid put on the cover of her in a size 18 moo-moo. She realizes in hindsight that she had simply stopped wearing dresses or pants that required a belt; she had switched to only ones with elastic waistbands.

When I was writing my new book, "The Retail Doctor’s Guide To Growing Your Business" (Wiley & Sons) I realized that in many instances what we're really talking about is getting a sense of reality. That's why the book is structured to look at your financials first and really see what condition your businesses in. Whether you’re a celebrity like Kirstie Alley dealing with her weight, Sandra Bullock dealing with a cheating husband or just Max managing your local gift store, ignorance is not bliss.

Stop Avoiding
Many times to distract ourselves from the truth, we do extraneous things like spend too much time on Facebook, come up with yet another poorly thought out promotion, or keep Bitter Betty employed.

But time is ticking. Have you had your Kirstie Alley moment yet?

The Top 10 Things Independent Businesses Do That Hurt Themselves The Most:

The good news? My new book, "The Retail Doctor’s Guide to Growing Your Business ," addresses all of the above.

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