July 26, 2024

TDmonthly Magazine

November 2010 | Vol. IX - No. 11

How to Sell to Guys for the Holidays

Dads and Granddads Need a Different Kind of Care

By Bob Phibbs
November 2010

The following article was reprinted with permission from the author.

I love the week before Christmas Eve as a retailer.  All the planners have purchased — wives with their lists of “must have” items that, unless you have it, they were out the door, those price-shopping, coupon-clipping “thrill of the hunt” aunts, the pack of young women looking for the perfect gift for each of their boyfriends.

As each day gets closer to 6pm Christmas Eve, the malls thin out from these types and you begin to notice more and more men – especially on Christmas Eve itself, when the malls are practically fueled by testosterone.  Men can be the easiest to wait on this week because we just want to be a hero. Here are a few tips (no matter what sex of a salesperson you are) to help you sell to us this week.

Realize this about your male customers:

How to treat us:
What to show us?
What not to do:
If you realize that men shopping at the holidays have different needs, it won’t matter if he buys the wrong size; he can still be a hero on Christmas.  He won’t have to say, “I just got this a few hours ago.” He can still win.

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