February 9, 2025

TDmonthly Magazine

January 2007 | Vol. VI - No. 1

Infants and Toddlers Rate Toys

The Under-3 Crowd Names Its Top Reads

By Sharri Hefner
January 2007

Five sets of moms with infants and toddlers evaluated three new toys, rating them on a scale of 1 to 5, with “5” being the highest score and “1” being the lowest. To view the full article, please CLICK HERE:

  1. Flash Cards by WEE GALLERY (ToyDirectory)
  2. My First Taggies 'Hey, Diddle, Diddle by TAGGIES
  3. "What Should We Call the Twins" by WEE GALLERY

Roundtable Questions


How likely would you be to buy this product, based on packaging alone?

4.4 3.8 2.2

How appealing are the contents once the toy is out of the package?

4.4 4.4 2.6

How easy are the instructions to understand?

5 4.4 4.2

How appropriate are the materials for a baby?

4 4.2 2.6

How safe does the toy seem?

4.2 5 5

How excited was the baby about the prospect of using this toy?

4 4.4 2.6

How much fun did the baby have playing with it?

4.6 4.4 3.2

How much did the baby learn while playing with the toy?

3.8 3.8 2.4

How likely would you be to buy this toy for your baby or recommend it to other parents?

3.8 4 2.8

Would your baby want to have another toy like this one?

4.2 4.2 2.8
4.24 4.26 3.04

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