January 24, 2025

TDmonthly Magazine

September 2015 | Vol. XIV - No. 9

Ride a Barbie College? Why not?!

By Justina Huddleston
September 2015

It turns out the pink Barbie Jeep isn't only coveted by preschoolers.

After making a huge mistake (DWI after driving home from a concert), this college student found herself without a license. But classes were still in session - what to do?

Instead of using the bike her father gave her, Tara Monroe, Texas State student, decided she still wanted to drive around in style.

She went on Craigslist where, lo and behold, that holy grail of childhood toys was for sale: a pink Barbie Jeep (and at only $60, a steal).

She purchased the toy car, which can go up to 5 miles per hour, and can be seen cruising around town in it, to and from class. It's an interesting way to get around not having her license. Let's just hope that she's not having too much fun to learn her lesson about driving under the influence.

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