Contact BERG USA, LLC:
Box 395, 133 Rothsville Station Rd.
Lititz, PA 17543
Phone: 877.499.6462
Toll free phone: 877-499-6462
E-mail wholesale inquiries to: Frank.Bewersdorff@BERGToys-USA.com
For additional information visit: www.BERGToys-USA.com
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Email: emailtoydirectory@gmail.com
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Product Archives added to TOYDIRECTORY
Product added on: 6/22/2012
BERG USA LLC is the exclusive USA importer and distributor for Dutch manufacturer BERG Toys, a leader in pedal go-kart markets around the world. These high quality pedal go-karts range from basic non-branded models to models licensed by well-known companies like John Deere, JEEP, and Ferrari. Children ages 3 to 99 can find a pedal go-kart to fit their size. The larger models can hold riders up to 300 pounds.
BERG USA LLC also represents a ride-on construction toy called MOOV, designed and manufactured by BERG Toys for children ages 5-12. Children first build their vehicles and then they can actually ride them in the same way the old soap box racers functioned. An honest toy with great developmental qualities.
You can also find BERG USA, LLC listed in the following categories on ToyDirectory.com:
- Vehicles - Riding
- Vehicles-Powered
- Bicycles & Tricycles
- Construction
- Pedal Cars
- General Toys
- Outdoor Fun
- Arts & Crafts
- Creative Activities
- Educational
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- Your name
- Your company name
- Mailing address
- E-mail address and phone number
- Mention TOYDIRECTORY.com
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