TMTTC Games Inc.
Contact TMTTC Games Inc.:
2801-260 Queens Quay West
Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5J 2N3
Phone: 647-201-3787
Fax: 416-979-3454
E-mail wholesale inquiries to: fjanicek@tmttcgames.com
For additional information visit: http://www.tmttcgames.com
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About TMTTC Games Inc.
Product Archives added to TOYDIRECTORY
Product added on: 9/9/2009
TMTTC Games Inc. is a Canadian company incorporated in November 2008 to facilitate the creation and development of “TAKE ME TO THE CLEANER$! “The Make Believe Game with Real Life Consequences” Board Game.
The game was created by Frank Janicek along with the help of his partner Alexandra Beaudoin of Montreal Canada. The company was founded with the help of 8 shareholders made up of family and friends who invested the money needed to finance the graphic design, legal costs and initial marketing of the game.
Game Description
TAKE ME TO THE CLEANER$! is a hilarious new couples game designed to take a light-hearted look at relationships. The game pits “spouse against spouse” and revolves around the irritating traits/habits that all individuals bring into a relationship. The underlying theme of the game is about “acceptance” and “compromise” but on the surface, it’s about getting back at your spouse/partner for driving you crazy for all of the time you’ve been together!
The game is one part “reality” and one part “fantasy” and includes “real life” consequences for the “minor” infractions committed by either partner throughout the game.
The men in the game are known as “Tycoons” and the women are known as “Divas”.
The game features Oops, Busted and Splitsville cards. “Oops” cards designate a “minor” matrimonial infraction and carry with them a corresponding “task or consequence”. “Busted” cards designate a “major” matrimonial infraction and are the stepping-stone to the center portion of the game board. “Splitsville” cards are the strategic cards that can be used to give yourself an advantage over your spouse/partner. Splitsville cards include: Lawyer, Prenup, Marriage Counseling, Irreconcilable Differences, 7 Year Itch, Mid-Life Crisis, In Yer Face, Screw Your Neighbor and an Annulment card.
The game also features 6 random squares: Imitate Your Mate, Wishful Thinking, The Way We Were, What’s Your Beef, All is Forgiven and the “Doghouse”. Each square requires a player to perform a random act or voice a statement about their partner or their relationship to the group.
Players roll dice to advance around both sections of the game board. Once any player accumulates 3 Busted cards, they could be “Taken to the Cleaners” by their partner.
Once a call to be “Taken to the Cleaners” has been made and accepted, both spouses move their tokens into the center ring on the board to play for the “Matrimonial Assets”.
These assets include such things as the Matrimonial Estate, Wine Collection, Retirement Fund, the Dog, Sports Car, Florida Condo, Diamond Ring etc. Once either spouse has accumulated the 20 assets, they are declared the winner of the game and get to choose 3 “real life” tasks (from the Oops cards) for their partner to perform within one week of the conclusion of the game!
These tasks are fun and light-hearted! For the Tycoons it could be to take their partner to a chick flick, be a designated driver for one night or serve your partner and her friends for an evening in the home etc. For the Divas it could be to watch a sporting event on TV with her partner, clean his golf clubs or wash and clean his car etc.
These tasks/consequences are documented on “Pledge Sheets” and posted in the home for all to see as well as to monitor completion of the tasks!
Not married? No big deal. New to a relationship or living together? No problem. This game will appeal to all couples of all ages!
Individual Consumer Cost:
$34.99 plus Taxes, Shipping & Handling
Minimum Order: 1
Specialty Retail Store Cost:
Email Frank Janicek at fjanicek@tmttcgames.com for wholesale pricing.
Minimum Order: 6
(save 6.00% or $1.00/game for orders of 18 games or more)
Code: FMJ1961
Preferred Carrier/Shipper:
To be determined
You can also find TMTTC Games Inc. listed in the following categories on ToyDirectory.com:
- Board Games
- Adult Games
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- Your name
- Your company name
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- Mention TOYDIRECTORY.com
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