TagsMania, LLC
Contact TagsMania, LLC:
P.O. Box 38
Greens Farms, CT 06838
Phone: 877-210-0021
Fax: 203-295-3699
E-mail wholesale inquiries to: sales@tagsmania.com
For additional information visit: http://www.tagsmania.com
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Email: emailtoydirectory@gmail.com
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About TagsMania, LLC
Product Archives added to TOYDIRECTORY
Product added on: 2/3/2011
Simple. Fun.™ toys for infants, babies and toddlers.
Have you noticed how children can be more fascinated with the tags and labels on their toys than with the toys themselves?
After seeing each of his four children grab, flick and bite them, a scientist turned health and medical communications expert decided to give them what they really wanted. He designed some simple, fun and engaging products by making the tags the toy.
The ideas remained on paper for over a decade... until now!
You can also find TagsMania, LLC listed in the following categories on ToyDirectory.com:
- Infant & Toddler
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- Your name
- Your company name
- Mailing address
- E-mail address and phone number
- Mention TOYDIRECTORY.com
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