11301 West 47th Street
Minnetonka, MN 55343
Phone: 952.936.2143
Fax: 952.935.1872
Toll free phone: 800.444.5535
E-mail wholesale inquiries to: justin@toytech.com
For additional information visit: http://www.toytech.com
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Email: emailtoydirectory@gmail.com
ToyDirectory.com Inc. and TDmonthly participate in affiliate programs, which may generate revenue for the site when purchases are made through links.
For over 20 years, ToyTech has been a specialty manufacturer of Storage & Organization devices. Serving the juvenile furniture and toy store retailer with two highly staple, proven products, The Chain Gang Organizer and The Teddy Hammock.
The Chain Gang originated at Toytech and is now available in a variety of colors and sizes. It is comprised of a heavy duty plastic chain, 20 movable clips, and hardware. There are 1001 uses for the Chain Gang Organizer. The most common uses are to store and display stuffed (soft) toys, baseball cap collections, children's school artwork, and to dry wet workout clothes.
The Teddy Hammock is a sought-after product as the perfect place for boys and girls to place their stuffed pals. Our Teddy Hammock installs in the corner of any room using the included hardware packet. The standard Teddy Hammock is 34" X 34" X 45" while the Jumbo is 42" X 42" X 60". Plush toys, Beanie Babies, and sports balls are typically found in our Teddy Hammocks.
The complete Toytech line can be viewed at our website. You can also see additional creative storage and organization merchandise produced by our affiliate company at Wizard Storage Solutions.
You can also find TOYTECH INC listed in the following categories on ToyDirectory.com:
- Furniture & Decor
- Gifts
- Plush
If you would like to request wholesale pricing, please include the following information with your request:
- Your name
- Your company name
- Mailing address
- E-mail address and phone number
- Mention TOYDIRECTORY.com
Correction Needed? Please email: emailtoydirectory@gmail.com

Correction Needed? Please email: emailtoydirectory@gmail.com
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