“In anticipation of next year’s high demand for additional space, new exhibiting guidelines were recently developed by the Trade Show Committee and approved by TIA’s Executive Committee,” said Marian Bossard, TIA’s senior vice president, Global Market Events. “These new guidelines offer returning exhibitors the opportunity to apply for the space they deem necessary for a proper showing of their lines.”
The Toy Fair booth space renewal requirements have been broadened for 2017:
- Only TIA members in good standing will be eligible to apply for additional space.
- Only TIA members, who exhibited in 2016 and apply for Toy Fair 2017 in the renewal period, will be eligible to submit a renewal application.
- As always, a 50% deposit for the fully requested net square footage (NSF) will be payable with the application.
- Once all renewal round applications have been received and reviewed, staff will calculate total NSF requests against available space and report back to the Trade Show Committee on feasibility of honoring all requests. If it is determined by staff and committee that additional limitations are warranted due to demand exceeding supply, such limitations will be developed and put before committee for review and approval. Should this happen, staff will work with affected exhibitors to modify requests in line with new guidelines.
- Any company for which additional space is granted will be required to pay the final 50% due no later than July 8, 2016. Note: If no additional space has been granted, normal payments of 50%, 25% and 25% remain in effect.
- If final payment is not made by July 8, 2016, the additional space granted will be returned to the general show inventory and may result in a change of location.
If you have questions regarding the Toy Fair renewal process, contact TIA.