TDmonthly Magazine!
January 2025 | Vol. XXIV - No. 1


Dungeons & Dragons Invades CES 2025 with "The Tyrant's Eye" Pinball

Step into the thrilling world of Dungeons & Dragons with the Tyranny of Dragons pinball machine, inspired by one of the most iconic storylines in D&D lore. In this immersive pinball experience, players embark on a quest to stop the evil dragon goddess Tiamat, who seeks to break free from her prison in the Nine Hells. Expect to encounter legendary monsters, cast powerful magic spells, and engage in heroic battles, all within the exciting confines of a classic pinball game.

Playfield Features:

1. Gelatinous Cube

  • Unique Interaction: A physical gelatinous cube sits on the playfield, acting as both a thematic element and a dynamic interaction. When the ball enters the cube, a "magical" magnet ball effect captures it, simulating the ball being engulfed by the cube before it is released back into play.
  • Strategic Element: Players need to avoid the cube or use it to their advantage to keep the ball in play or score extra points.

2. Player-Controlled Shield

  • Active Defense: A standout feature, this allows players to directly control a shield on the playfield to block shots and defend against attacks from various game elements, such as traps and monster abilities.
  • Tactical Play: The shield introduces an element of strategy, requiring players to time their blocks and interactions carefully.

3. Disappearing Dungeon Entrance

  • Dynamic Challenge: A dungeon entrance on the playfield opens and closes unpredictably, forcing players to stay alert and ready for the ever-changing layout of the game.
  • Interactive Danger: This element adds excitement and unpredictability, as players never know when the entrance will open or close, creating surprise opportunities and threats.

4. Ramps and Shots

  • D&D-Themed Ramps: Traditional ramps are given a unique spin with dragon-shaped ramps, where the ball can ride along the dragon’s back to score major points.
  • Monster Targets: Classic targets take the form of iconic D&D monsters (like orcs, goblins, and dragons), challenging players to hit them to score points or activate quests.

5. Interactive LCD Screen

  • Storytelling: The built-in LCD screen adds an immersive layer to the experience, displaying animations, character interactions, scores, and crucial story elements as you progress through your quest.
  • Real-Time Progression: As players advance through different stages of the game, the screen offers updates on the storyline, your character’s status, and provides hints and objectives.

Gameplay Mechanics:

1. Quests and Adventures

  • Story-Driven Gameplay: Players undertake various quests that are tied to the Tyranny of Dragons storyline, such as locating lost artifacts, battling dragons, and preventing Tiamat’s escape.
  • Unlock New Features: Completing quests and objectives unlocks new features, such as bonus rounds, new locations, and additional power-ups.

2. Character Selection

  • D&D Classes: Choose from iconic Dungeons & Dragons character classes like Warrior, Wizard, and Rogue. Each class offers unique abilities and gameplay styles, giving players the ability to tailor their experience.
    • Warrior: Strong and sturdy, focused on physical defense and offensive power.
    • Wizard: Master of magic, capable of casting spells that affect the playfield and control ball dynamics.
    • Rogue: Agile and stealthy, with abilities to manipulate ball behavior and trigger hidden mechanics.

3. Leveling Up

  • Experience Points: As you play, you gain experience points that allow you to level up your character and gain new powers and abilities, such as enhanced shields, faster ball movement, or special attacks.
  • Skill Growth: Players must decide how to allocate their newly earned powers to maximize their effectiveness during quests and boss battles.

4. Boss Battles

  • Epic Showdowns: The game culminates in intense boss battles against famous D&D monsters, such as dragons, liches, and finally, the mighty Tiamat herself.
  • Tiamat’s Challenge: The final showdown with Tiamat, where players must utilize their skills, powers, and strategic thinking to defeat the five-headed dragon goddess and stop her from escaping the Nine Hells.

5. Insider Connected

  • Progress Tracking: Powered by Stern's Insider Connected platform, this feature lets players track their progress, earn achievements, and compete with others online.
  • Global Leaderboards: Players can compare their scores and achievements with others, unlocking special content and recognition for reaching milestones.


1. Voice Talent

  • Famous D&D Personalities: The game features voice acting from well-known Dungeons & Dragons figures like Matthew Mercer and other popular voice actors. Their performances bring the game's characters and storyline to life, adding an extra layer of immersion and excitement.

2. Custom Music

  • Original Soundtrack: An original soundtrack composed with inspiration from D&D themes enhances the atmosphere and energy of the game, setting the tone for every dungeon crawl, boss fight, and quest completed.

3. Artwork

  • Vince Proazio’s Artwork: The game features stunning artwork from Vince Proazio, a renowned D&D illustrator. The visual style captures the fantasy world of D&D, immersing players in the lore and atmosphere of the game.
  • Artistic Detail: From character designs to intricate dungeon maps and dynamic monster illustrations, the artwork elevates the game’s overall aesthetic.

Dungeons & Dragons: Tyranny of Dragons Pinball is a captivating blend of classic pinball gameplay and the immersive world of D&D. The game offers an engaging storyline, interactive playfield elements, and an array of strategic features that allow players to dive deep into the D&D universe. Whether you’re a casual pinball player or a hardcore D&D fan, this machine offers something for everyone—dynamic quests, intense battles, and a rich, immersive experience.

Laura N. LarssonWriter's Bio: Driven by a fascination with how young people learn, grow, and connect, Laura N. Larsson has spent years researching the role of play and social media in child and adolescent development. Since 2012, she has combined her ecommerce background with in-depth interviews of children and teenagers, producing insightful articles that explore the evolving interplay between play, communication, and online interaction. Read more articles by this author


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