TDmonthly (TM) -Archives of ToyDirectory Toys and Games: Phone Frenzy from BUFFALO GAMES INC.

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MSRP: $22.00
Age Range: 14 and up
Gender: Boys And Girls
Category: Interactive
General Games

Phone Frenzy is a board game that uses everyone’s mobile phone as the primary game component for calling, texting, and sending photos.  Every turn, players are given a challenge or activity that can only be completed with the help of one or more of their phone contacts.  A challenge might be a race to receive a correct response to “Finish this lyric by Journey:  ‘Just a small town girl’…”  Players pick who they think are the right contacts from their phone and send them a text message with the question.  The first player to receive the correct text message wins the round. Launch date: Summer 2011.

ToyDirectory Product ID#: 31732      (added 2/22/2011)

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