TDmonthly (TM) -Archives of ToyDirectory Toys and Games: Shock Your Buds Test Tube Candy from SQUIRE BOONE VILLAGE

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Shock Your Buds Test Tube Candy

Other products from SQUIRE BOONE VILLAGE

This sour, powdered candy in test tubes comes in a variety of themes, making it ideal for shops attached to museums, aquariums, zoos, and other themed recreation venues. Candy is packed in unbreakable, reusable genuine test tubes.
— In an October 2011 survey about bestselling food and candy, Mary Porter Green, owner of The Curiosity Zone in Ashburn, Va., told TDmonthly that "the various test tube candies from Squire Boone" sell well, though they don't usually sell food.

Featured in:Top-10 Most-Wanted Candy & Food (10/1/2011)
ToyDirectory Product ID#: 32942      (added 9/22/2011)

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