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MSRP: $12.99
Age Range: 8 and up
Specialty: Yes (as of 2011)
Gender: Boys And Girls
Age Range: 8 and up
Specialty: Yes (as of 2011)
Gender: Boys And Girls
Category: | General Games Card Games Educational |
Who will be the player/team to win the most cards by guessing other players' words correctly the fastest, and with the fewest letters possible? Players take turns making a word from the lettered cards in their hand, but they don’t show their word to any of the other players. Instead, they place each lettered card of their word face down on the table. Then... the first letter of the word is revealed (and the timer is started) as the other players begin to shout out possible words for what the hidden word could be. A player must guess the word before the timer runs out... so if at any time two or more players agree to see another letter, another card is turned over and players continue to try and guess the word. The player who first guesses the hidden word correctly wins the number of cards that are still left face down... or ALL of the cards if the word is discovered with only one letter revealed. Launch date: June 2012.
Featured in: | Holiday Preview: Toys & Gifts for Specialty Stores (7/1/2012) Watch Toy Videos of the Day (7/16/2012-7/20/2012) (7/1/2012) July Staff Picks (7/1/2011) |
Product Videos:
ToyDirectory Product ID#: 32499 (added 6/27/2011)
