Duple is a quick-thinking game of symbol matching and word-finding. Players flip letter cards in turn until the symbols on two players' cards match. Matching players face-off by being the first to shout a word which contains the letters on both cards. Correct answers must be at least 5 letters long and conform to ever-changing categories. Wild Cards and Cascades create unexpected face-offs and the All Play card gets everyone facing off a once. Distributed by Everest. Launch date: February 2012.
Awards: 2013 TDmonthly Seal of Approval
Awards: 2013 TDmonthly Seal of Approval
Featured in: | TDmonthly Seal of Approval - Games & Puzzles (1/1/2013) Best Toys For Kids Nominees - Game Play 8 yrs+ (6/1/2012) |
ToyDirectory Product ID#: 34353 (added 5/25/2012)
