The one-of-a-kind Penelope Peapod, created by a city mother with a brood of seven, is a small self-contained carry-along toy for little girls. Depending on its configuration, Penelope Peapod is a doll in a bassinet, a doll in a playpen, or a sweet and stylish handbag for a little girl. It is the perfect fashion accessory and a wonderful take along toy sure to amuse for hours.
— "Penelope Peapod is our best-selling doll," said Kim Smith of Red Wagon Toy Co. in Woodstock, Vt., in spring 2007.
— Smith said she sells 30 to 40 Penelope Peapod dolls monthly, on a regular basis.
— "The response to the Penelope Peapod in Montgomery has been wonderful. There's nothing else like it. It's a handbag as well as a bassinette. It's fun and fashion combined," said Lorna Brett Howard, co-owner of Penelope Peapod.
— "Penelope Peapod is our best-selling doll," said Kim Smith of Red Wagon Toy Co. in Woodstock, Vt., in spring 2007.
— Smith said she sells 30 to 40 Penelope Peapod dolls monthly, on a regular basis.
— "The response to the Penelope Peapod in Montgomery has been wonderful. There's nothing else like it. It's a handbag as well as a bassinette. It's fun and fashion combined," said Lorna Brett Howard, co-owner of Penelope Peapod.
Featured in: | TDmonthly's Top-10 Most-Wanted Dolls (8/1/2007) What Makes an Award-Winning Toy (12/1/2006) More Award Winners III |
ToyDirectory Product ID#: 7897 (added 5/19/2006)
