Families are rolling in fun with Ligretto Dice from Playroom Entertainment. Players roll and reroll their dice early and often to play their dice in numerical order. The player who gets rid of all their dice first wins!
— As an enthusiastic gamer, Dice Tower’s Tom Vasel enjoyed Ligretto Dice but found the game too simple. His daughter, however, “loves it,” leading Tom to conclude that “It’s a very good family game and it’s one we’re all equal at.”
— “It's so pure in concept and execution, I can only give it the highest recommendation,” proclaimed Mark Schildberg of Examiner.com. Mark added, “Ligretto Dice is habit-forming fun for two to four players, and most rounds finish in two minutes or less, so the game progresses quickly.”
— As an enthusiastic gamer, Dice Tower’s Tom Vasel enjoyed Ligretto Dice but found the game too simple. His daughter, however, “loves it,” leading Tom to conclude that “It’s a very good family game and it’s one we’re all equal at.”
— “It's so pure in concept and execution, I can only give it the highest recommendation,” proclaimed Mark Schildberg of Examiner.com. Mark added, “Ligretto Dice is habit-forming fun for two to four players, and most rounds finish in two minutes or less, so the game progresses quickly.”
Featured in: | Summary of Online Toy Reviews (12/1/2010) |
ToyDirectory Product ID#: 30988 (added 10/28/2010)
