A dreamy girl on a flying horse graces the cover of this 6” by 8” hardbound journal. Inside are 200 lined pages just ready to capture tweens’ innermost thoughts.
— “So many of these kids want to be writers and published authors,” the Gietzes, owners of Where’d You Get That? in Williamstown, Mass., told TDmonthly. Horse images and other designs were among the little girls’ favorites.
— Journals are often mentioned by retailers as being big in the tween years, too.
— Peaceable Kingdom offers a variety of kid-friendly journal designs that should appeal to the next young breakout writer.
— “So many of these kids want to be writers and published authors,” the Gietzes, owners of Where’d You Get That? in Williamstown, Mass., told TDmonthly. Horse images and other designs were among the little girls’ favorites.
— Journals are often mentioned by retailers as being big in the tween years, too.
— Peaceable Kingdom offers a variety of kid-friendly journal designs that should appeal to the next young breakout writer.
Featured in: | Top-10 Most Wanted Toys for Little Girls (6/1/2006) |
ToyDirectory Product ID#: 7845 (added 5/10/2006)
