Toys in Motion: Interactive Interactive
Teddy Ruxpin, the original animated storytelling toy is back from hibernation! Teddy is updated with digital technology and easy-to- use buttons to accommodate small hands. Teddy’s eyes and mouth move in perfect sync with the stories he tells and songs he sings. Teddy Ruxpin comes with a program cartridge, a beautifully illustrated picture book and a read along storybook. More adventures will be sold separately. Available online April, 2006 and in retail stores summer 2006. ToyDirectory Product ID#: 3649 (added 5/25/2005) . TD
The Toss N´ Talk Math Machine Series interactive ball is an excellent way for math students to have fun while they learn. They can use it at home or in the classroom for a fun and simple way to practice math concepts. It´s an impact-activated ball that talks when kids catch it. When it´s caught, a math function is randomly called out and the student must perform the function on the numbers found under their thumbs. This 24" inflatable ball has a battery included as well. READ RELATED MOM REVIEW ToyDirectory Product ID#: 4936 (added 10/5/2005) . TD

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