Inspired by the original photographs of the whole Earth taken by NASA astronauts, Orbis World Globes has created the first and only inflatable globe to depict Planet Earth as it appears from outer space. Featuring the newest generation of NASA satellite imagery, the EarthBall is the most visually authentic globe available anywhere and the most fun a child can have holding the whole world in their hands! The EarthBall is the only globe to display the world's city lights with glow-in-the-dark printing, providing an exciting dimension of realism. The 16 page Global Handbook, included with every EarthBall, is packed with resources, games, activities and fun information for global explorers of all ages.
— Lorena Lopez, manager at Puzzle Zoo in Santa Monica, Calif., said that the Earth Ball is a favorite among astronomically-inclined consumers. “The sales are good,” she said. “It’s probably our best selling glow-in-the-dark product.”
— Using satellite imagery as a guide, the world’s major cities glow in the dark, recreating the view from space.
— Please visit their Web site ( for a soon-to-be-released 1-meter EarthBall.
— Lorena Lopez, manager at Puzzle Zoo in Santa Monica, Calif., said that the Earth Ball is a favorite among astronomically-inclined consumers. “The sales are good,” she said. “It’s probably our best selling glow-in-the-dark product.”
— Using satellite imagery as a guide, the world’s major cities glow in the dark, recreating the view from space.
— Please visit their Web site ( for a soon-to-be-released 1-meter EarthBall.
Featured in: | The Science of Xmas (7/1/2006) EarthBall Continually Reinvents the Globe (5/1/2006) TDmonthly's Top 10 Most Wanted Glowing Toys (10/1/2005) |
ToyDirectory Product ID#: 4892 (added 9/30/2005)
