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MSRP: $3.50
Age Range: 4 and up
Target Age Range: 9 to 12
Specialty: Yes (as of 2010)
Made in: China
SKU or Item #: Ask for Popsicles by
Launch Date: July 2007
Gender: Boys And Girls
Age Range: 4 and up
Target Age Range: 9 to 12
Specialty: Yes (as of 2010)
Made in: China
SKU or Item #: Ask for Popsicles by
Launch Date: July 2007
Gender: Boys And Girls
Category: | Tween Eco-Friendly Fashion & Accessories |
These popsicle-colored bracelets come in glittery and translucent shades, including Lime, Cherry, Grape and Blue Hawaiian. As with other bracelets by Shainsware, kids can change out the elements (letters, symbols, etc.) to personalize the band.
— In a September 2010 survey, nine percent of 44 retailers named Shainsware a best-selling jewelry brand. “I did really well with their Popsicles,” Martha Burrows of Timeless Toys in Chicago, Ill., told TDmonthly. “They just hit that market between make-your-own and a quick fix.”
— In an October 2011 survey, Katie Rook, manager of Be Beep Toys in Columbia, S.C., told TDmonthly that Shains bracelets are her best selling jewelry.
— In a September 2010 survey, nine percent of 44 retailers named Shainsware a best-selling jewelry brand. “I did really well with their Popsicles,” Martha Burrows of Timeless Toys in Chicago, Ill., told TDmonthly. “They just hit that market between make-your-own and a quick fix.”
— In an October 2011 survey, Katie Rook, manager of Be Beep Toys in Columbia, S.C., told TDmonthly that Shains bracelets are her best selling jewelry.
Featured in: | Top-10 Most-Wanted Jewelry and Accessories (11/1/2011) June Staff Picks Part II (6/1/2011) TDmonthly's Top-10 Most-Wanted Jewelry and Accesso (11/1/2010) June Staff Picks (6/1/2010) |
ToyDirectory Product ID#: 28542 (added 5/14/2010)
