To see a company's profile page, click on the company's name.
 | I BUILT IT GAMESWilliams, AZ These "I Built It" Games let you turn the world's most popular games into Creative Wonders! Choose from Chess, Checkers, Memory Match/Tic Tac Toe, Snakes and Ladders-A Jungle Adventure, and Monsters (in the closet) Ludo. MFR. E-mail Web-Site |
| I LOVE MY PLANET TOYSNew City, NY Love My Planet is dedicated to providing children toys that are creative, fun,
safe, and better for the environment. E-mail |
| IAXISIIrvine, CA Founded and led by seasoned technology, marketing, and sales individuals in the
high tech industry, iaxisi is focused on developing innovative and high quality
products. E-mail |
 | IBERT INC.Riverton, UT Welcome to the New Age of Family Biking! MFR. E-mail Web-Site |
| ICY DIAMOND TOTESChino Hills, CA Icy Diamond Totes™ is a new company, established in April 2009 in Chino Hills, CA by a mom-inventor. E-mail |
 | IDBIDS LLCAtlanta, GA Idbids, LLC, is headquartered in Atlanta and creates fun toys that teach children "iddy biddy steps make a biggie big difference" in keeping our Earth happy, healthy and green. Toll-Free E-mail Web-Site |
 | IDEA MAX BY DRAGON MODELS LIMITEDCity of Industry, CA Dragon Models specializes in high quality action figures, die-cast vehicles, model kits, and other military collectibles. Toll-Free E-mail Web-Site |
| IDEA MILL LLCMoorpark, CA Idea Mill prides itself on creating and developing New and Totally Unique, socially
relevant products that define a generation. E-mail |
 | IDOLZ TOYS LLCCharleston, SC IDOLZ Toys, LLC was founded in 2007 in Charleston, SC with a vision to create toys with mass appeal. E-mail Web-Site |
 | IDT JETSSayreville, NJ Established in January 2006 under the umbrella of IDT Corp (NYSE IDT), we are pleased to bring you a simple one stop source for creative, fun, and out of the ordinary aviation toys, collectibles, premiums, & scale model aircraft. Toll-Free MFR. E-mail Web-Site |
 | ILLEKTRONStudio City, CA Illektron Entertainment is a design studio and publishing company characterized by innovative and uniquely designed products. E-mail |
 | IMAGILOT ENTERTAINMENTLos Angeles, CA Aesop's Fables-- This Parent's Choice Silver Honor Award Winner is a completely new and wonderfully entertaining adaptation of eight classic fables by Aesop. E-mail Web-Site |
 | IMAGINATION BOX CO.Sandpoint, ID Imagination Box Company was created by artists Russell and Kim Cash of Sandpoint, Idaho. MFR. E-mail Web-Site |
| IMAGINE THIS COMPANY INC.Orlando, FL PITCH-A-STORY! is the fun game that puts you and your teammates on center stage while improving public speaking and performance ability. MFR. E-mail |
 | IMPERIAL TOY LLCNorth Hills, CA Founded in 1969 and headquartered in North Hills, CA, Imperial Toy LLC is a leading private toy manufacturer. Toll-Free MFR. E-mail Web-Site |
| INCREDILINECosta Mesa, CA Incrediline is a revolutionary surface that can be used in conjunction with any writing instrument. Toll-Free E-mail |
 | Inet Productions, Inc.Boston, MA Inet Productions is the company behind Jack's World, a children's musical that presents the story of Jack, an elementary school student who runs away from home to escape
the pressures he feels from his parents and siblings. Toll-Free E-mail Web-Site |
| Infantino, LLCSAN DIEGO, CA Infantino...We think like babies At Infantino, it is our mission to create products that brighten the early years of every child and enhance the experience of every loving parent by providing safe, innovative and unique infant products. Toll-Free MFR. E-mail Web-Site |
| INFINITOYBurlingame, CA Infinitoy is the company behind Quizmo® and ZOOB. E-mail Web-Site |
| INFINITRAX INC.Nampa, ID InfiniTrax™ builds modular EVA foam race track sets designed to stimulate
the imagination. E-mail |
| INGRID & ISABELSan Francisco, CA Developed by Ingrid Carney from experiences of her pregnancy for her daughter Isabel, the BellaBand was introduced to help women enjoy getting dressed every day during pregnancy. E-mail |
 | INNEX, INC.Pomona, CA In 2004, Innex was founded on the principles of innovation, fun, and a commitment to customer service E-mail Web-Site |
The Innov-X Import Guard: Ideal for on-the-spot metals analysis to verify safety of imported toys, products, food and other consumer items. E-mail |
| INNOVATIVE KIDSNorwalk, CT innovativeKids® is proud to present the newest products in our award-winning
line of Hands-On, Minds-On ™ books, games, toys, puzzles and more. E-mail |
 | INNOVATIVE TOYS INC., Innovative Toys is a Massachusetts based company that produces the ScareMeNots™ product line; a collection of six cute, plush creatures designed to take the "scary" out of monsters in more ways than one. MFR. E-mail |
| INTER-AXION INC.LAVAL, QC Hobby-Bike, a learning bicycle for children with a removable drive system (crank, pedals,chain, etc.), allows for two modes of operation: learning and riding. E-mail |
 | Interactive Toy Concepts Ltd.Toronto, ON Licensed, realistic R/C aircraft and other R/C vehicles: A cutting-edge indoor helicopter, electric airplanes, indoor airships, a ducted fan speedboat, micro boats, a micro submarine, a 4x4 vehicle with wireless color video feeds, interactive tanks and robots - more. Toll-Free MFR. E-mail Web-Site |
 | INTERNATIONAL ARRIVALSOceanside, CA International Arrivals brings to you a variety of fun Gift and Stationery items including the very popular Smencils Scented Pencils and Snifty Scented Pens. MFR. Distr. E-mail |
 | International Leisure ProductsEdgewood, NY International Leisure Products/Swimline is the largest manufacturer of above-ground swimming pool liners in the world. E-mail Web-Site |
| INVENT A TENTOrem, UT The Invent A Tent company began one Christmas when a father wanted to make a gift for his children that would help to stretch their imagination. Toll-Free E-mail |
 | Inventist, Inc.Camas, WA Inventist was founded in 2003, and soon after won an award for the Aquaskipper at ispo BrandNew, an international competition for new sports-related inventions. Toll-Free E-mail Web-Site |
| ISCREAMCortlandt Manor, NY Iscream is all about fun, hip, creative designs that all ages love. Toll-Free E-mail |
 | IT´S A DOG´S LIFENeedham, MA We carry "It's A Dog's Life" themed apprarel, gifts and pet products. E-mail Web-Site |
| ITALIAN GAMESMalverne, NY Italian Games is proud to announce the launching of its first board game, ITALIAN SCOPA. We are bringing centuries old European card games to American families. The games are easy to learn, a challenge to master, and just plain fun for the whole family to play. E-mail |
 | ITOYS, INC.Toronto, ON Irwin Toy is now the newly registered brand name of itoys inc, a privately
owned Canadian-based marketing, and manufacturing company specializing in toys
and board games for the whole family. Toll-Free E-mail Web-Site |
| Itty Bitty Toy Company, Inc.San Anselmo, CA The Itty Bitty Toy Company can be found somewhere between the world of Nature and Make believe, with products that merge both the fanciful and natural. E-mail |