To see a company's profile page, click on the company's name.
| K9 KRITTERSPlaya Vista, CA Our mission is simple: to provide the best products and service to our customers at the lowest prices possible. We take great pride in our company, our commitment to customer service and in the products we sell. E-mail |
| KAMHI WORLDLargo, FL Kamhi World specializes in novelties and toys for the mass market. E-mail Web-Site |
| KAMIBASHILeicester, NC Kamibashi Asian Art is a small company committed to finding unique artists who share our aesthetics. E-mail |
 | KANE/MILLER BOOK PUBLISHERSLa Jolla, CA We are a very small, very specialized, very independent publishing company. We choose the books we publish with extraordinary care and attention. Toll-Free E-mail Web-Site |
 | KAPLACharleston, SC Recognized and approved in schools and museums throughout Europe, Kapla is an outstanding learning tool for individual as well as group play, enhancing multiple intelligences, cooperative and differentiated learning and hours of building creation. MFR. E-mail Web-Site |
| KARDANDAK ENTERPRISES LLCSpring Hill, TN Kardandak Enterprises, LLC was created and owned by Jeff Anderson, a freelance songwriter, composer and producer in Spring Hill (Nashville), TN. Toll-Free E-mail |
| KARISSA & CO.Oceanside, CA Lil' Love Bug™ Hair and Bath Products are made specially for kids. Toll-Free E-mail |
 | KASKEY KIDS INC.Winnetka, IL Kaskey Kids was founded by Bruce and Christy Kaskey in 2001 with the purpose of creating simple sports action figures. KaskeyKids toys were designed from the outset to be authentic, inspiring, and most of all, kid-friendly. Toll-Free MFR. E-mail Web-Site |
 | KAZAM LLCVirginia Beach, VA "Balance First, Pedal Next Approach to Learning to Ride a Pedaled Bicycle" E-mail Web-Site |
 | Kelmar Games Corp.Silverado, CA Tricky Town® is a skill-building board game in which each player has a family
made up of two kid pieces and two parent pieces that go around the town of Tricky
Town® collecting treats and avoiding tricks while always keeping the kid pieces
4 spaces or less from at least one of their parent pieces. E-mail Web-Site |
| Kendama, Inc.Henderson, NV We import and distribute kendamas, a Japanese wooden ball-and-cup juggling and balance skill toy. Toll-Free E-mail Web-Site |
| KERUSSOBerryville, AR Kerusso is the premier and dominant producer of Christian-themed apparel. Toll-Free E-mail Web-Site |
 | KETTLER International, Inc.Virginia Beach, VA Founded in Germany in 1949, KETTLER® has become an innovative and safety-conscious industry leader in toys and many other products. MFR. E-mail Web-Site |
| KID GALAXY INC.Manchester, NH Kid Galaxy is dedicated to providing innovative, durable, and safe toys at affordable prices MFR. |
| KID O PRODUCTSNew York, NY We believe children have the most fun when they're discovering new things. That's why all Kid O Products are thoughtfully designed with lots of opportunities to explore built right in. E-mail |
| KIDCARDS LTD.Chesterland, OH KidCards® are unique activity books that streamline the homemade card-making process. Each cardstock page can be removed from the book and folded into a greeting card. E-mail |
 | KIDdesignsRahway, NJ For almost 2 decades, KIDdesigns has been a leading manufacturer of cutting-edge, interactive electronic toys, learning aids, and real electronics for kids of all ages. Toll-Free MFR. E-mail Web-Site |
 | KIDKRAFTDallas, TX Our goal is to inspire children with the power of their imagination through unique and creative heirloom-quality wooden toys and room furnishings. MFR. E-mail Web-Site |
 | KIDS CROOKED HOUSEWindham, ME Fueling Your Child's Active, Imaginative Playtime. Toll-Free E-mail Web-Site |
| KIDS FLY SAFE LLCBurlington, VT CARES - child aviation restraint system is designed offer children a safer flight. E-mail |
 | KIDS PREFERRED INCEast Windsor, NJ Kids Preferred is dedicated to creating superior quality, innovative soft toys
and gifts for children of all ages using unique, playful designs that help instill
a love of learning and create everlasting childhood memories. Toll-Free E-mail Web-Site |
 | KIDS TOUCH LEARNINGPomona, CA Here at Kids Touch, we offer a variety of toys for children of 2 years and up. From electrical to educational games, costumes to puzzles, we provide quality toys for boys and girls of all ages and interests. Toll-Free E-mail Web-Site |
| KIDS WITH POSSIBILITIESActon, MA A collection of stuffed plush dolls that all come with little books and all carry the same message of empowerment. The focus is on uniqueness and the strengths that every individual possess. E-mail |
 | KIDSGIVE, LLCLos Angeles, CA Introducing Karito Kids - a new brand franchise of dolls and
books that makes a difference. E-mail Web-Site |
| KIDSRULERPaso Robles, CA We are a small family owned and operated home-based business with hopes of having an impact on today's educational tools industry. E-mail Web-Site |
 | KIDSTOP TOYSScottsdale, AZ Looking back, almost 10 years ago, who would have thought that our obsession for great toys would evolve into this, Kidstop toys & books? Web-Site |
| KIDSWEALTH (USA) INC.Tampa, FL KidsWealth is a company of educators, financial experts, designers, writers, artists
and parents who are dedicated to creating the most effective, enjoyable and easy-to-use
educational products that help teach children money management skills and help
them build successful money habits. Toll-Free E-mail |
| KIDZSACKWest Newbury, MA The Kidzsack is designed for kids on the go. For whatever the activity, keeping the kids busy and happy is always a priority. E-mail Web-Site |
| KIDZSMOCKS INC.Sharon, MA Kidzsmocks Inc is a new and exciting product founded by a company with 46 successful
years of manufacturing children's garments. E-mail Web-Site |
 | KIDZUP PRODUCTIONS INC.Swanton, VT An award winning, educational children's publishing company wholly dedicated to the growth and empowerment of children through education. Toll-Free E-mail Web-Site |
 | KIKKERLAND DESIGN, INC.New York, NY Kikkerland Design’s design philosophy is lighthearted and innovative with a dual meaning or purpose. Toll-Free E-mail Web-Site |
 | KIMS KREATIONS, INC.Laramie, WY Kim's Kreations presents educational tools to assist individuals in their cognitive,
physical, and emotional abilities. E-mail Web-Site |
 | KINDERCONE LLCA cherished German tradition comes to America! MFR. E-mail Web-Site |
 | KINDERVILLEOakland, CA Kinderville offers innovative, functional and toxin-free products for babies and toddlers. With a focus on quality and the use of safe materials, all Kinderville products are thoroughly safety-tested and are BPA-, Phthalate- and Lead-free. MFR. E-mail Web-Site |
 | KINGFISHER BOOKSNew York, NY Kingfisher, which has recently become part of Macmillan, is best known for its wide variety of nonfiction series for children, from toddlers up to age 14. Toll-Free MFR. E-mail Web-Site |
 | KINWOWDongguan, Guangdong, China Dongguan Kinwow Industrial Co.,founded in 2006, specializes in R&D, producing and selling young children's plush toys MFR. E-mail Web-Site |
 | KISH & COMPANYDenver, CO As a premier designer of fine collectible dolls and gifts, Kish & Company is known and respected throughout the world. MFR. E-mail Web-Site |
 | KISS NATURALSMontreal, Quebec, Canada Kiss Naturals is a Canadian owned and operated family company. We produce a line of DIY Craft making kits for Kids and Tweens using all natural high quality ingredients.
MFR. E-mail Web-Site |
| KISSALUVSHouston, TX What began as a single, handmade diaper for a baby named Kissa has blossomed into a worldwide sensation enjoyed by babies, moms and dads alike. Toll-Free E-mail |
| KLEENSLATE CONCEPTS LLCSonora, CA Julia M. Rhodes invented, patented, manufactured, and marketed the first KleenSlate product: an attachable eraser for dry erase markers. . E-mail |
| Klosters Trading CorporationKlosters Trading Corporation – Business intelligence
Lutz Muller of Klosters Trading has been providing business intelligence for the toy industry since 1987. Web-Site |
 | KLUTZ INCPalo Alto, CA Create wonderful things, be good, have fun. Toll-Free MFR. E-mail Web-Site |
 | Knee-rider Danoco CorporationHill City, MN THE ORIGINAL PATENTED KNEE-RIDER The high tech version of an old fashion horsey ride. Imagine a soft, cuddly,
plush pony that you simply attach on your knee with two Velcro straps, set child
on your knee, bounce and the adventure begins. E-mail Web-Site |
 | KNIGHTWEAVER GAMES LLCBoulder, CO At Knightweaver Games, we are dedicated to inventing games that tap into a child's sense of fun to create great learning experiences. MFR. E-mail Web-Site |
 | Know A Baby, LLCLa Quinta, CA Know A Baby® LLC is an educational video company exclusively devoted to
children and their world. E-mail Web-Site |
| KNOWLEDGE ADVENTURETorrance, CA Knowledge Adventure® is the leader in adventure-based 3D virtual worlds for 3-to-10 year old kids. Toll-Free E-mail |
| KNUCKLE STRUTZSalt Lake City, UT KnuckleStrutz is the brainchild of inventor Jim Bagley. Jim, a graduate of Brigham Young University, constantly strived to improve his designs, and would sometimes use plastics for parts in his inventions. MFR. E-mail |
| KNUCKLEBONZ INC.KnuckleBonz, Inc is the creator of the Rock Iconz® Limited Edition Sculpture
Series. Toll-Free E-mail |
 | KOBAL SALES & MARKETING LTD.Mississauga, ON KOBAL SALES & MARKETING LTD is specialty market committed vendor of hi quality toys. E-mail Web-Site |
 | KOOL KRAFTSMebane, NC TileArt is a FAST, EASY and FUN way to create beautiful finished art using high gloss self adhesive vinyl tiles. Toll-Free E-mail Web-Site |
 | KOPLOW GAMES INCBOSTON, MA Koplow Games Is A Full Line Supplier Of Over 1300 Different Standard And Polyhedral Dice, Dice Games, Custom Dice, Dice Bags And Game Accessories. Toll-Free MFR. E-mail Web-Site |
 | KÖSEN USA, Inc.Duluth, GA KOESEN USA is a subsidiary of Kösener Spielzeug Manufaktur,GmbH, located in
Bad Kösen, Germany and offers two brands: KOESEN -The Plush Animal World
and SILKE dolls and baby toys. Toll-Free E-mail Web-Site |
 | KUBIT2ME INC.Lisle, IL Formed in 2006 by Mary Kay & Brad Russell, Kubit2me's goal is to develop fun, stimulating games for people of all ages. E-mail Web-Site |
| KUMON PUBLISHING NORTH AMERICA INC.Teaneck, NJ Kumon [koo-mon] Publishing North America (KPNA) was founded in 2004 but has educational roots reaching back fifty years. Toll-Free E-mail Web-Site |