| DARK HORSE COMICSMILWAUKEE, OR Well-known as a publisher of award-winning comic books, Dark Horse is fast gaining a reputation for high-quality products. MFR. E-mail Web-Site |
| DESIGN ORIGINALSEast Petersburg, PA We are the industry leader in providing trendsetting craft & hobby publications throughout the United States and around the world MFR. E-mail Web-Site |
 | FARMER'S HAT PRODUCTIONS®Wayzata, MN Growing kids through diverse learning experiences®. Bur Bur and Friends® books, products and educational toys empower children to develop healthy habits and good self-esteem—all while having fun. MFR. E-mail Web-Site |
| FOBIE FRIENDSScottsdale, AZ Fobie Friends is an original idea created to entertain while helping children address common fears MFR. E-mail Web-Site |
 | FREE SPIRIT PUBLISHINGMinneapolis, MN Free Spirit Publishing celebrates 25 years as your PreK-12 source for award-winning, best-selling learning tools that support young people’s social and emotional health. Toll-Free E-mail |
| Hands On The World GlobalSparta, NJ Hands On The World Global (previously Crestmont Publishing) is a non-profit organization that supports communities in need by donating the book and author proceeds to support sustainable development and education. E-mail |
 | HAWK´S NEST PUBLISHING LLCMystic, CT Hawk's Nest Publishing LLC, is a publisher of fine quality coloring and
activity books. E-mail Web-Site |
| INNOVATIVE KIDSNorwalk, CT innovativeKids® is proud to present the newest products in our award-winning
line of Hands-On, Minds-On ™ books, games, toys, puzzles and more. E-mail |
 | JAMBOKIDS COMPANY INC.Great Falls, VA For families looking for positive, contemporary, authentic, relevant role models for their 3-8 year-old children, JamboKids meets the need head-on with a unique line of 'round the world adventure storybooks and multicultural dolls that celebrate cultural diversity and promote positive character development. E-mail Web-Site |
 | KANE/MILLER BOOK PUBLISHERSLa Jolla, CA We are a very small, very specialized, very independent publishing company. We choose the books we publish with extraordinary care and attention. Toll-Free E-mail Web-Site |
 | KINGFISHER BOOKSNew York, NY Kingfisher, which has recently become part of Macmillan, is best known for its wide variety of nonfiction series for children, from toddlers up to age 14. Toll-Free MFR. E-mail Web-Site |
| KUMON PUBLISHING NORTH AMERICA INC.Teaneck, NJ Kumon [koo-mon] Publishing North America (KPNA) was founded in 2004 but has educational roots reaching back fifty years. Toll-Free E-mail Web-Site |
| LANGENSCHEIDT PUBLISHING GROUPDuncan, SC We are the premier group of map, travel, and language brands offering over 3,000 US and international street maps, road maps, atlases, travel guides, language-learning guides, and bilingual dictionaries. Toll-Free E-mail |
 | LAUGHING ELEPHANTSeattle, WA Laughing Elephant Publishing produces and distributes gift books and paper products that capture the ideals of past times. Toll-Free E-mail Web-Site |
| Light-Beams PublishingLee, NH Home of multi award-winning The Fairy Houses Series® "Creative activities stimulate Imagination" Toll-Free E-mail Web-Site |
 | LUV-BEAMSSan Antonio, TX Luv-Beams® are bringing lots of “LUV” to Planet Earth. Their footprints and handprints are heart-shaped, and even their packaging delivers a message: "My love for you is out of this world!”
E-mail Web-Site |
 | MANDY & PANDY BOOKSAnn Arbor, MI Mandy & Pandy say "Ni Hao Ma" is a stimulating children's book that teaches kids Chinese in a fun and easy way. E-mail Web-Site |
 | MARK-MY-TIME LLCHigley, AZ mark-my-time, LLC, is a Phoenix-based designer and developer of innovative educational products designed to facilitate the learning process. MFR. E-mail Web-Site |
 | Missing Piece PressOrting, WA Missing Piece Press manufactures games, including card games, board games, and strategy games. Toll-Free E-mail Web-Site |
 | PARKWEST PUBLICATIONSMiami, FL Parkwest features TARQUIN educational activity books and paper models
that children (of all ages) can cut out and make. MFR. E-mail Web-Site |
| PLAYDATE KIDS PUBLISHINGMalibu, CA Specializing in early childhood, social & behavioral development & written to American Psychology Association standards, parents can use the books as certified guides of instruction. MFR. E-mail |
 | PUBLICATIONS INTERNATIONAL, LTD.Lincolnwood, IL Publications International is the world's largest publisher of children's products that combine traditional printed books with electronic features that deliver interactivity, learning and entertainment value. Toll-Free E-mail Web-Site |
 | QUILTOWNPlano, TX Quiltown started in 1987 and has grown to become a leading manufacturer within the high-end cloth toy educational and gift market. E-mail Web-Site |
 | READERS DIGEST CHILDRENS PUBLISHINGPleasantville, NY Publishes innovative, interactive children's specialty books, storybooks with unique formats, and educational books. E-mail Web-Site |
 | REVERIE PUBLISHING COMPANYCumberland, MD Our mission, to delight and instruct, grows from our developed belief that we
never lose our childhood delight in toys. Toll-Free E-mail Web-Site |
 | Roden Surplus ImportsTrinity, AL We are currently the single most visited closeout website on the internet. E-mail Web-Site |
| Satisfaction Guaranteed LLCRancho Mirage, CA "Panda-Cutie and YOU... in Los Angeles" for SMART KIDS ONLY! is entertaining and educational for children and Teenagers from 8 to 16. MFR. E-mail |
 | SENSEsational AlphabetHackettstown, NJ SENSEsational Alphabet is a division of a small family business, The Rofe Group, Inc. This division was created to fill a void in the educational book market while also benefiting children across the country. Toll-Free MFR. E-mail Web-Site |
| THE FIRST MOMS CLUB PRESSGrants Pass, OR The First Moms Club Press has published an entire collection of entrepreneurial books for kids. These inspiring books share the spirit of American ingenuity and optimism. Dianne Linderman is an award-winning author of children's books. MFR. E-mail |
| THE LITTLE ENVIRONMENTALISTS LLCHartland, WI The Little Environmentalists, LLC is committed to developing and publishing children's
environmental education materials to promote environmental awareness, appreciation,
knowledge, and stewardship. E-mail |
| TIGER TALESIron Ridge, WI tiger tales publishes imaginative and entertaining picture and novelty books for children ages two through seven. E-mail |
 | TRICYCLE PRESSBerkeley, CA Tricycle Press publishes books for kids and their grown-ups, from quirky board books to award-winning picturebooks. Toll-Free E-mail Web-Site |
 | VANNUZZA LLCNew York, NY Vannuzza exists to inspire, educate and empower girls. E-mail Web-Site |
| WheelbooksLivermore, CA Studies have proven that children who study a foreign language often have higher standardized test scores in math, reading and language arts. MFR. E-mail |
| WINNING KIDS CORP.Palm Beach Gardens, FL The Winning Kids with Traveling Bear™ series consists of 14 fun and humorous adventure books featuring lovable characters that each come with a read-a-long audio CD. Toll-Free E-mail |
 | WOCTO PUBLISHINGLa Jolla, CA Wocto Publishing presents appealing, high-quality books, music,
lesson plans, and activities for children, meant to nurture and encourage lifelong
learning, creativity, and fun. Toll-Free MFR. E-mail Web-Site |