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Below are a select number of products from PIATNIK OF AMERICA

Search Results: Displaying 1-15 of 15

Specialty: Yes (as of 2015)
Gender: Boys And Girls
Category: Dice
General Games
General Toys

Ludix is a Roman Numeral dice game.

ToyDirectory Product ID#: 37197      (added 2/4/2015)

Category: Puzzles & Skill

Children's Puppies puzzle by Hanadeka.
ToyDirectory Product ID#: 14206      (added 7/20/2007)

MSRP: $11.95
Category: Card Games

A double deck set of playing cards with images of the beautiful Van Gogh Irises.
ToyDirectory Product ID#: 14205      (added 7/20/2007)

MSRP: $7.97
Age Range: 16 and up
Category: Puzzles & Skill

A single deck of playing cards containing 55 fine art images.
ToyDirectory Product ID#: 14204      (added 7/20/2007)

MSRP: $19.95
Category: General Games

All you need to play ACTIVITY is lots of ingenuity, iron nerves, and no inhibitions, plus plenty of time because one game is never enough. The game lends words a whole new meaning.
ToyDirectory Product ID#: 14203      (added 7/20/2007)

MSRP: $14.99
Age Range: 16 and up
SKU or Item #: 5632
Category: Puzzles & Skill

The high-quality European jigsaw puzzle consists of 1,000 pieces.
ToyDirectory Product ID#: 11385      (added 2/8/2007)

MSRP: $14.99
Age Range: 16 and up
SKU or Item #: 5644
Category: Puzzles & Skill

High Quality European Jigsaw Puzzle – 1,000 pieces
ToyDirectory Product ID#: 11384      (added 2/8/2007)

MSRP: $14.99
Age Range: 16 and up
SKU or Item #: 5642
Category: Puzzles & Skill

High Quality European Jigsaw Puzzle – 1,000 pieces
ToyDirectory Product ID#: 11383      (added 2/8/2007)

MSRP: $19.95
SKU or Item #: 6859
Category: Board Games

Art Sudoku is played with images instead of numbers.
ToyDirectory Product ID#: 11378      (added 2/7/2007)

MSRP: $14.99
Age Range: 16 and up
Category: Puzzles & Skill

An imaginative 1,000 piece jigsaw puzzles from Piatnik’s 182 years of archives of playing card design and printing.
ToyDirectory Product ID#: 9371      (added 9/13/2006)

MSRP: $19.99
Age Range: 8 and up
Category: Educational

An original art education game of strategy and luck. Fun for the entire family. A simple and enjoyable way to learn about fine art. Players try to learn more about the paintings and the tour guide while walking through the museum.
ToyDirectory Product ID#: 9370      (added 9/13/2006)

Category: Card Games

Rooster Booster is a fun game of bluff with cards. Each of the roosters wants to sit on top of the ladder. However, there is only room for one on each step; some may lose feathers in the crowd. Stronger and bigger roosters may replace the smaller ones. Only the one who observes the pecking order may win the race! Or does a small, clever young rooster succeed in sneaking up the ladder and gain valuable points? Contains: one game board, 100 rooster cards of different values, 30 wooden rooster playing pieces (six each in five different colors), 100 chips (20 each in five different colors) and instructions. It's designed for three to five players.
ToyDirectory Product ID#: 5518      (added 11/14/2005)

Category: Card Games

The game for fun lovers and quick thinkers! The deck of 106 cards is divided evenly among the players to make up the face down decks they draw from. Players keep 3 cards in their hands and use their cards to start piles in the center of the table. The object is to collect as many complete sets of cards as possible. The game can be played by 2-5 players and includes 106 cards.
ToyDirectory Product ID#: 5511      (added 11/10/2005)

MSRP: $12.99
Category: Card Games

This game includes just about everything needed to create your own game: a blank game board, 110 blank playing cards, four dice, playing chips, four colored pencils and more. Players can create whatever rules they want and draw whatever they like on the game board. It´s part arts and crafts project and part challenge of wits. Players that think they have created a stellar winner can submit it to Piatnik where the game has the chance to be published, if deemed good enough.
ToyDirectory Product ID#: 4708      (added 9/20/2005)

MSRP: $19.99
Category: Card Games

Players have to think fast while competing in this frantically fun word game. Letter cards set the game in motion, as players have to quickly think of words using those exact letter combinations while holding a ticking "bomb." And if their vocabulary fails them? Time´s out and the "bomb" explodes -- complete with white noise sound effects. The game also comes in a travel size.

ToyDirectory Product ID#: 3699      (added 5/26/2005)
Page: 1 

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