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Products from DO-A-DOT ART!

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Below are a select number of products from DO-A-DOT ART!

Search Results: Displaying 1-3 of 3

Age Range: 5 and up
Launch Date: January 2010
Gender: Girls
Category: Arts & Crafts
Creative Activities

This craft kit includes three 10" x 12" designs with a mermaid theme, sparkling sequins and jewels to give the pictures dazzle, and a glam grabber tool to grab and stick the decorative pieces. Launch date: 2010.
— John MacDougall, owner of Golden Apple Learning Store in Pleasanton, Calif., liked this product at Toy Fair 2010, saying, "[It's] easy to do and [the] results are dazzling!"
— Gladys Griffin, owner of Main Street Toy Shop in Columbus, Ga., told TDmonthly in a January 2014 survey that Do-A-Dot-Art is a best-selling arts & crafts toy.

Product Videos:
ToyDirectory Product ID#: 27295      (added 2/19/2010)

MSRP: $15.99
Age Range: 3 and up
Gender: Boys And Girls
Category: Arts & Crafts

Do-A-Dot Art Markers combine the ease of a marker, the bright color of paints, and the fun of a stamp into a low-mess art supply that appeals to a wide range of ages.  A gentle squeeze moistens the circular sponge tip with paint.  Kids can create free-form works of impressionist art by stamping dots of paint on paper, or use this technique to fill in special coloring books designed for Do-A-Dot markers. This pack contains five colors — pink, yellow, orange, green and purple — in 2.5-oz. bottles.
— “Things like Do-A-Dot, which are reasonably inexpensive compared to a $20 to $30 craft kit,” said Chris Kusy, owner of Rhyme 'N Reason Toys in Pembroke, Mass., of top-selling arts and crafts items in early 2010.
— Out of 48 retailers who participated in a January 2010 survey of arts and crafts best sellers, five named Do-A-Dot Art Markers.
ToyDirectory Product ID#: 26813      (added 1/28/2010)

MSRP: $9.99
Age Range: 3 and up
Category: Arts & Crafts

This basic set includes four 2.5 oz. markers in red, yellow, blue and green. The marker tips are round and flat. Artists make pictures by stamping the dots close to each to each other, creating impressionist works of art.
— "One of our best selling art project items is the Do-A-Dot Art. Those are fantastic," was the enthusiastic response from Judy Bielewicz, manager at Imagination Toys Inc. in St. Louis, Mo.  
—  "Art supplies, like Do-A-Dot, which is an ink-filled foam-tipped brush," was how Linda Laramy, owner of Crackerjacks, Inc. in Easton, M.D, described her best-sellers in this category.
—  This unique product allows kids to experiment with paints but with a "brush" designed like a marker.
ToyDirectory Product ID#: 3993      (added 7/18/2005)
Page: 1 

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