Aarrr! Piratitans are back. In this fast-paced card game, players pick their victims and seize their treasure. They can try to escape but must beware; they can’t outrun Piratitans. This game is unpredictable fun for everyone. Kids won’t even know it’s educational when they battle each other with ships loaded with cannons.
— “I’ve never seen a card game like this before,” said 11-year-old Victoria Ledford, a Homeschooling Roundtable partcipant whose family loved the game and gave it 5 of 5 TDmonthly stars. What did she like most about it? "Everything!"
Aaarr! Hoist your sails and set your course for high seas adventure in Piratack. This thrilling new board game beckons you into a world where all can join in swashbuckling fun. Players must throw caution to the winds as their ships voyage through tranquil and stormy seas or pass through whirlpools. Ships must trade cargo to increase their strength in cannons because when time runs out, you can't escape...
Piratack. In the end, the fiercest will battle for the ultimate sovereign rule as Piratitan.
— “Innovative game play along with eye-catching graphics are two fundamental goals of our designs,” Gerry Groundwater, owner and founder of Giddy Goose 'n Gander Games, told
TDmonthly. “Although it costs more, we opted for hand-drawn graphics as a way of differentiating our product. This makes our approach and games particularly suited to specialty retailers.”
— "The more players you have, the more fun you have (because there are more ships to attack!)," raved Susan Ledford, a
Homeschoolers Roundtable mom who reviewed the game for