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Products from UNCLE GOOSE TOYS

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Below are a select number of products from UNCLE GOOSE TOYS

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MSRP: $40.00
Age Range: 2 and up
SKU or Item #: BUGS
Launch Date: May 2009
Gender: Boys And Girls
Category: American-Made
Wooden Toys

These Uncle Goose multi-color alphabet blocks have bug pictures and names, and are made in the USA. This set includes four complete alphabets, two upper case and two lower case, and numbers from 0 to 10 and math symbols. Uncle Goose blocks are 1-3/4" and are handcrafted from sustainable Michigan basswood with child-safe inks.
ToyDirectory Product ID#: 24261      (added 6/29/2009)

MSRP: $9.99
Gender: Boys And Girls
Category: Construction

Made in the United States from sustainable basswood grown in Michigan, Uncle Goose's Nursery Rhyme Blocks give a whimsical twist to standard block play. The set of nine 1 1/3” cube-shaped blocks are embossed and painted with classic children's nursery rhymes. Two sides feature scenes in silhouette, while the other four feature the words to the rhyme itself, encouraging early reading and memory skills. Rhymes included with Set A are “Little Jack Horner,” “Three Little Kittens,” “Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary,” “Old Mother Hubbard,” “Humpty Dumpty,” “Diddle Diddle Dumpling,” “Little Boy Blue,” “Baa, Baa, Black Sheep” and “Old King Cole.” 
― “I'd say blocks, and the manufacturer is Uncle Goose,” Rebecca Pfeil, owner of Timeless Toys in Homer, Alaska, told TDmonthly about best-selling wooden items.
― Sandra Bartholomew, owner of Wingdoodle in Warner, N.H., told TDmonthly her best-selling wooden toy is “wood blocks, the basic kind.”
― Ten percent of 56 retailers said blocks were a top-selling wood item in early 2009.
ToyDirectory Product ID#: 22431      (added 2/9/2009)

Twenty-eight wooden embossed Alphabet blocks, approximately 1-3/4” square, come in a wooden pull-toy wagon. Each block has an animal picture, a number or math symbol, and four letters (two embossed), for a total of four complete alphabets. The wagon is unpainted with wooden wheels. It sells for between $44.95 and $49.95.
ToyDirectory Product ID#: 3750      (added 6/3/2005)

These classic 1-3/4" wooden alphabet blocks are made in the United States from basswood. Designed with cleverly detailed letters and pictures, they help children to spell and build while pleasing parents with their tasteful vintage decorations. The basic set comes in a wagon or box. Other variations include Braille, Braille math blocks or any of 15 different languages. There is even a version of nursery rhyme blocks.
— Owner Tom England of Dancing Bear Toys & Gifts in Frederick, Md., named ABC Blocks by Uncle Goose Toys as a best-seller in his store.
ToyDirectory Product ID#: 1968      (added 12/21/2004)
Page: 1 

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