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Below are a select number of products from TOOTNTINKLE PTY LTD.
Search Results: Displaying 1-6 of 6
The only complete toilet training system in the world! The Ultimate Kits cover everything from teaching children about the Potty to using an insert on an adult toilet. Its packed full of rewards and is perfect for first time parents or parents experiencing difficulties with toilet training. The kit includes Tinkle Potty, Tinkle toilet seat insert, Tinkle Reward board and magical heat sensitive potty sticker, Tinkle coloring set (includes badges, stickers, post cards and pencils and Toilet Training Certificate)and two Tinkle toilet paper rolls. ToyDirectory Product ID#: 20934 (added 10/10/2008) .
With the TootnTinkle reward pack children get the chance to learn about all the areas of toilet training. The reward pack includes a 12 page coloring book, a reward badge to pin on a childs chest as a special reward during toilet training, post cards to send as reminders and encouragement and over 120 reward stickers to stick on their hand or shirt when they use the potty or toilet, plus a tear out Graduation Certificate to present to the child when they begin using the toilet on their own! ToyDirectory Product ID#: 20933 (added 10/10/2008) .
Who would of ever thought there was toilet paper available to teach children how much to use and count at the same time? Parents tell their child that our toilet paper is special paper and they are only allowed to use it if they use the potty or toilet - This has proven to be the perfect incentive to get children to want to use the toilet. Printed with customized artwork, this is part of our holistic approach, introducing all parts of toilet training in a fun and innovative way. Sold as a set of Two Rolls (1200 sheets and 2ply thickness) ToyDirectory Product ID#: 20932 (added 10/10/2008) .
The Ultimate Kits cover everything from teaching children about the potty to using an insert on an adult toilet. Its packed full of rewards and is perfect for first-time parents or parents experiencing difficulties with toilet training. The kit includes the entire Toot range: Toot potty, Toot toilet-seat insert, Toot reward board and magical heat-sensitive potty sticker, Toot coloring set (includes badges, stickers, post cards, pencils and Toilet Training Certificate), two Toot toilet paper rolls, Toot toilet training balls ToyDirectory Product ID#: 20862 (added 10/1/2008) .
Toot balls are guaranteed to be a hit. Not only do they make weeing (in) the toilet fun, they are great for aim and concentration (for boys of all ages. even dad). Simply drop the ball in the toilet, they always bob face up and never flush!! Fantastic to use on their own or in conjunction with the Toot Toilet Training game. (Sold as a set of two balls) ToyDirectory Product ID#: 20861 (added 10/1/2008) .
Each component of the kit is tailored to address needs from the practical to psychological. Focusing on positive reinforcement and a (small steps to big rewards) approach, the kit allows children to maintain an interest and develop the skills needed use their potty or toilet. (Includes Toot Reward Board, one magic Toot Sticker and one marker pen) ToyDirectory Product ID#: 20860 (added 10/1/2008) . Page: 1