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Below are a select number of products from BOSSA NOVA ROBOTICS

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Descending from a long line of savage and warlike tribes, Wrexx lives his life for the fight. Wrexx is an unusually gifted warrior who can frequently score critical damage points, but he's also a bit fiery and unpredictable. Wrexx uses RF technology to communicate wirelessly with other Mechatars, including Alphas, Kodars, and other Wrexx. Wrexx lives in two worlds: Earth, and the Mechaverse. He evolves as he trains with other Mechatars and battles the Swarm, in the human world and in the Mechaverse (accessible via free online play). Wrexx continually develops new skills and capabilities for never-ending fun.
ToyDirectory Product ID#: 33528      (added 1/27/2012)

MSRP: $99.99
Age Range: 8 and up
Gender: Boys
Category: Interactive

Prime-8 is a fast and agile gorilla robot that does everything from play laser tag to run with your kids down hallways. He explores his own surroundings or responds to remote control. He is silly, occasionally rude, and goes crazy when disturbed in his sleep! Prime-8’s intense interactivity is powered by a battery of sensors that allow him to respond to people and to his environment. Internal sensors measure his orientation constantly, and prompt him to right himself should he fall down. Outbound sight and sound sensors help Prime-8 maneuver around obstacles, respond to questions with grunts and growls, and express himself. Finally, motion detection sensors keep Prime-8 alert so that he can chase away intruders by firing rockets!
ToyDirectory Product ID#: 25092      (added 8/24/2009)

MSRP: $79.99
Age Range: 4 and up
Gender: Girls
Category: Interactive

Penbo is a lovable interactive penguin that sings, talks, dances and plays games with you and her surprise Bebe. She responds to touch and sound and communicates with her Bebe through infrared sensors. Penbo also plays five games with you and Bebe; the more you play, the happier she becomes! Penbo is an autonomous robot designed to move like a penguin and interact with you and her Bebe through an array of sensors. She is aware of her surroundings, loves to dance, plays games and talks with Bebe in Penguish, her own language. Press Penbo’s heart to reveal a surprise egg with her Bebe inside; each color Bebe interacts differently with Penbo.
ToyDirectory Product ID#: 25090      (added 8/24/2009)
Page: 1 

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