TDmonthly Magazine Product Reviews for AURORA WORLD INC. --AD--
Below are some of the products from AURORA WORLD INC. TDmonthly has reviewed.
Name: Mini Fancy Pal Company: AURORA WORLD INC. Age: 3 and up Price: $4.99 Category: Plush
What Is It? This adorable little puppy won’t have to go into the cargo hold on a plane because he comes in his own blue plush zippered and lined suitcase marked “Precious.” Open the suitcase and that’s just what you’ll find: a precious little plush Beagle pup in black, tan and white. He looks up with soulful black button eyes, his head cocked hopefully, as if waiting for a delicious doggy treat. His tail’s cut short and his ear’s are cut long, but kids won’t have to worry where this little dog’s gone because his carry case comes with a hook that can attach to a belt loop or a purse. The suitcase also has two handles.
What We Thought It’s very hard to actually put the puppy in his case. Not because he’s too big or the case is too small, but only because you don’t really want him to go “bye-bye.” The purse is a pretty, sparkly blue plush trimmed with silvered blue cording for kids who are still into Bling Bling. And for the more sentimental, the puppy is as precious as a nonliving thing can be -- down to his shiny plastic nose and pensive expression. Also, the suitcase is washable. This isn’t the manufacturer’s claim; it’s the reviewer’s experience. A nice plum juice stain washed right out with soap and water.
Why They’ll Want It It’s cute, it’s transportable, and it’s collectible. Since bags with bags are popular with Big Sis, Little Sis will like to add this suitcase/puppy combo to her own backpack, purse or book bag. Just small enough to sneak into school, the Mini Fancy Pals could become a girl’s best friend. The little suitcase is lined and sturdy, so when the pup’s out to play, his carrier can be used as a change purse or a jewelry carrier. Aurora´s ToyDirectory Listing
-- Alison Marek, 8/9/05
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Name: Pink Panther Plush Clip-On Figure Company: AURORA WORLD INC. Age: 4 and up Price: $4.99 Category: Plush
What is it? A pink cat with attitude, this 5” Pink Panther is soft, pettable and portable. Plastic yellow eyes are lidded with dark pink. His black eyebrows give him an air of insouciance. Four whiskers remind one that this high-tone character is, indeed, feline. A plastic clip secured to his head with a pink cord lets kids or adults attach Mr. P to a purse, belt loop, key ring or even a car visor.
What We Thought Okay, maybe we’re just prejudiced in favor of cool cats who can wear pink without flinching, but this guy is irresistible. TDmonthly staff can’t keep their hands off the Pink Panther, no matter what form he manifests. Those with a fetish can easily keep this little panther close at hand with the easy-to-use clip. He looks enough like a cat to please animal lovers, and enough like a person to tickle the fancy of those who prefer their characters in human form.
Why They’ll Want It Pink, soft, funny and cheap make this toy a pretty safe bet for an impulse item. Dangling from the ceilings or perched in baskets on the counter, kids and adults will probably find themselves picking him up. And once he’s in their hands, well – they’re just a $5 bill away from taking him home. The pink might turn off some boys, but that could change, once they see MGM’s new “Pink Panther” movie starring Steve Martin, due out next year. The little clip-on could also be perched next to his big-brother poseables: the 12” version has an MSRP of just $7.99.
Aurora´s ToyDirectory Listing
-- Alison Marek, 6/15/05
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Name: Frightful Finger Puppets and Door Knob Cover Company: AURORA WORLD INC. Age: All Ages Price: $2.50 Category: Halloween Merchandise
What Is It?
More cute than spooky, these little finger puppets from Aurora are Glow in the Dark laughs. Frightful Finger Puppets fit snuggly over a person´s finger and each have their own haunting costume. The skeleton´s bones glow, as does the pumpkin headed costume. The Jackolantern Door Knob Cover subtly illuminates in the dark and chuckles "Happy Halloween" when squeezed.
What We Thought
Just looking at these guys helps everyone get into the spirit of Halloween. They are soft and cuddly plush, with finger puppet flair.
Why They’ll Want It
Halloween knows no age limit and Frightful Finger Puppets easily amuse children of all ages. No one can deny the lighthearted laughter of finger puppets.Back to top