| b. dazzle, inc.REDONDO BEACH, CA Adults and seniors love award-winning Scramble Squares® puzzles at least as
much as do children, teenagers and college students. Although each Scramble Squares(R) puzzle has only nine pieces, Scramble Squares(R) puzzles are Perhaps The World’s Most Challenging Puzzle!® Toll-Free MFR. E-mail Web-Site |
| Dunecraft Inc.Chagrin Falls, OH Founded in 2002, DuneCraft has the goal
of igniting individuals' interest in gardening, nature and science. E-mail Web-Site |
 | ELENCOWheeling, IL Elenco ,a leader in Innovative Toys, Educational Toys and Science Kits. offers the following product lines: Snap Circuits, Snaptricity, Funology Kits, Wooden Kits, Solar Kits, Robotics, Science Kits, Discovery Planet and Science Tech kits, Radio Kits and Project Labs. Toll-Free MFR. E-mail Web-Site |
 | FRACTILESBoulder, CO Using angles based on the number 7, these unique MAGNETIC tiles allow you to easily make your own aesthetically pleasing designs with repeating and non-repeating patterns. MFR. E-mail Web-Site |
 | FUNOLOGY INNOVATIONS LLCMyrtle Beach, SC Our commitment is to provide our customers with products that bring us closer to nature, take us outdoors, foster personal engagement with one another, and encourage the pursuit of adventure and knowledge. MFR. E-mail Web-Site |
 | GeospaceSEATTLE, WA Geospace is a 20-year-old company based in Seattle. Up until 1993, its best-known products were GEOSPACE Magnetic Marbles and other related products that included games, building sets, and action sets for adults and kids. Toll-Free MFR. E-mail Web-Site |
 | Giantmicrobes, Inc.Stamford, CT GIANTmicrobes® are plush toys that look like tiny microbes, over a million
times actual size. Toll-Free MFR. E-mail Web-Site |
| GLITTERINSBrooklyn, NY Glitterins is all about the joy and magic of science. Since the first human looked up at the stars or was surprised by rainbows in the sky, we have all embarked on a journey to discover the mysteries of the world. MFR. E-mail |
 | HSP NATURE TOYSBrookline, VT HSP Nature Toys creates award-winning educational products that appeal to children’s natural curiosity. Toll-Free MFR. E-mail Web-Site |
 | IDBIDS LLCAtlanta, GA Idbids, LLC, is headquartered in Atlanta and creates fun toys that teach children "iddy biddy steps make a biggie big difference" in keeping our Earth happy, healthy and green. Toll-Free E-mail Web-Site |
 | KLUTZ INCPalo Alto, CA Create wonderful things, be good, have fun. Toll-Free MFR. E-mail Web-Site |
 | LITIHOLONewport News, VA All the tools you need for making your own holograms are included in this easy to use kit. E-mail Web-Site |
 | MINI ME GEOLOGYMt. Pleasant, SC At Mini Me Geology we believe that kids learn best when their toys and games are fun, educational, and require imagination. We have the best mineral and rock collections; metamorphic, igneous, and sedimentary rock samples; mineral samples, and earth science / geology educational information and free puzzles. E-mail Web-Site |
 | MOLECULE-R Flavors Inc.Montréal, QC MOLECULE-R Flavors Inc. is a Montreal-based company that aims to make a wide range of products and applications taken from molecular gastronomy accessible to amateur and professional cooks. MFR. E-mail Web-Site |
 | ONE SMART COOKIE PRODUCTIONSVictor, NY One Smart Cookie Productions is a leading creator of educational entertainment products for young children. MFR. E-mail Web-Site |
 | OOZ & OZSeattle, WA OOZ & OZ Creator of award winning Morph-O-Scopes™ - ingenious "Whoa!
How did they do that?" optical illusion toys and activities that encourage
exploration, nurture multiple intelligences, and stimulate the imagination through
unique, engaging, eye-hand art and science play. Toll-Free MFR. E-mail Web-Site |
 | OREGON SCIENTIFIC INCTUALATIN, OR Oregon Scientific is a global brand and creator of electronic products for today's lifestyles. Its innovative products are the combination of cutting-edge US technology and stylish European design that build a bridge between people and technology, helping them understand their environment and enhance their daily lives. MFR. E-mail Web-Site |
 | POOF-Slinky, Inc.Plymouth, MI POOF®-Slinky®, Inc. is the leading manufacturer of foam sport balls in North America and maker of the world famous Slinky®, manufactured with pride in Hollidaysburg, Pennsylvania. Toll-Free MFR. E-mail Web-Site |
 | SUMMIT PRODUCTSTrussville, AL Our missing is to create and market innovative products that kids want. E-mail Web-Site |
 | TEDCO INCHagerstown, IN TEDCO is a manufacturer and a distributor of quality classic science oddities and kits along with a line of intriguing dinosaur items. Toll-Free MFR. E-mail Web-Site |
 | TORNADO TUBESSalem, MA Burnham Associates, Inc. is the creator and manufacturer of the "original" Tornado Tube. For over 19 years we have been proud to have this fun and educational product selling world wide. MFR. E-mail Web-Site |
 | UberstixBeloit, WI The ultimate building system for kids and adults. Works independently or in concert
with recycled materials such as straws, Popsicle® sticks, water bottles, paperclips,
etc. Toll-Free MFR. E-mail Web-Site |
 | UNCLE MILTON INDUSTRIESWestlake Village, CA Founded in 1946, our company designs, produces and markets innovative toys which
have outstanding play value and maximum kid-appeal. Toll-Free MFR. E-mail Web-Site |