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Articles by Maryam Seyedhosseini

June Toys in the Hand: TDmonthly’s Expert Mom (6/1/2006)
Here our resident child expert shares her impressions of new toys with TDmonthly Magazine.

April Toys in the Hand: TDmonthly’s Expert Mom (4/1/2006)
Maryam Seyedhosseini shares her impressions of new toys with TDmonthly Magazine.

March Toys in the Hand: TDmonthly’s Expert Mom (3/1/2006)
A mom and child development specialist shares her impressions of new toys with TDmonthly Magazine.

February Toys in the Hand: TDmonthly’s Expert Mom (2/1/2006)
Maryam Seyedhosseini's background as a mother and as a childcare professional gives her a unique insight into toys.

January Toys in the Hand: TDmonthly’s Expert Mom (1/1/2006)
TDmonthly Magazine's expert mom reviewed several products, helping retailers to make informed decisions when stocking store shelves.

December Toys in the Hand: TDmonthly’s Expert Mom (12/1/2005)
Maryam Seyedhosseini's background as a mother and as a childcare professional give her a unique insight into toys.

November Toys in the Hand: TDmonthly’s Expert Mom (11/1/2005)
TDmonthly's expert mom shares more impressions of new toys as tested on her own kids.

Toys in the Hand: An Expert Opinion (10/1/2005)
Maryam Seyedhosseini has studied, worked with and lived with children for a number of years. She uses her unique perspective to review toys for TDmonthly.

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