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Below are a select number of products from SBI ENTERPRISES

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MSRP: $379.00
Age Range: 14 and up
Gender: Boys And Girls
Category: Sporting Goods & Accessories

This mechanical bouncing machine includes a newly developed spring system that creates a sensation similar to that of jumping on a trampoline. This updated version of the classic pogo stick introduces a new generation of kids to hopping fun, propelling them into the air higher than they were able to go with the original toy. It is suitable for a weight of 120 to 250 pounds.
— “SBI makes a great pogo stick and they are doing really well right now here with 9- to 12-year-old boys,” Karen Fox, owner of Woodbury Mountain Toys in Montpelier, Vt., told TDmonthly.
— "We’re selling a ton of pogo sticks by Fly Bar," Patty Meyer, owner of Meyer's Toy World/USA Baby, told TDmonthly. "The pogo sticks are a surprise, but I think it might go to the obese kid news we’re hearing, as well as the get back-to-basics, and this is one of those items."
— SBI invented the pogo stick back in 1918 and brought out the multiple award-winning Flybar 1200 in 2004. “We wanted to come out the gate with the best showing,” David Jargowsky, principal of SBI, told TDmonthly. “The 1200 is a high-performance model … People can jump six or seven feet, do backflips, tricks, etc.” Starting in June, the Flybar 800 for kids 80 to 180 pounds will be available. Right now, “The retailers who sell Flybars steadily say they have kids coming in all day, staring at the 1200, waiting for the 800.” Jargowsky said that many 800s have been presold and they expect a six-to-one or eight-to-one sales increase over the adult-sized 1200.
ToyDirectory Product ID#: 1641      (added 12/7/2004)

MSRP: $249.99
Age Range: 12 and up
Launch Date: November 2005
Gender: Boys And Girls
Category: Sporting Goods & Accessories

shipping in March 2006 — this powerful and updated version of a pogo stick is made especially for smaller kids. Like the Flybar 1200, it gives a trampoline-like sensation to the rider. It is suitable for a weight range of 80 to 180 pounds.
ToyDirectory Product ID#: 4052      (added 7/29/2005)

MSRP: $149.99
Age Range: 8 and up
Launch Date: March 2006
Category: Sporting Goods & Accessories

This powerful and updated version of a pogo stick is made especially for smaller kids. Like the Flybar 1200, it gives a trampoline-like sensation to the rider. It is suitable for a weight range of 80 to 120 pounds. THIS PRODUCT IS STILL BEING DEVELOPED AND IS NOT YET AVAILABLE.
ToyDirectory Product ID#: 4053      (added 7/29/2005)

MSRP: $39.99
Age Range: 5 to 9
Gender: Boys And Girls
Category: Outdoor Fun
Sporting Goods & Accessories

The JM Maverick Pogo Stick is designed to provide fun exercise for boys and girls from 5 to 9 years old. The precision, foam-covered metal construction includes replaceable, non-slip foot pads, handlegrips, and a rubber tip. The pogo stick supports users between 40 and 80-lb. It measures 38 x 9.5 x 2.5 in.
Two reviewers on gave this product five out of five stars for high quality and durability.
ToyDirectory Product ID#: 32060      (added 3/30/2011)
Page: 1 

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