Articles by Sharri Hefner
Baby Roundtable: Breaking the Mold (11/1/2007) This month, TDmonthly Magazine’s Infant/Toddler Roundtable participants evaluated
Baby Art Kit from Zoom Distribution. The artsy molding project received mixed reviews.
Babies: Simple Plush Fires Imaginations (10/1/2007) This month, TDmonthly Magazine’s Infant/Toddler Roundtable participants evaluated a rag doll Dwarf from the SILKE line and a plush bear from the KOSEN line of Koesen USA. Both products received rave reviews.
Baby Roundtable: Tots Tickle the Ivories (9/1/2007) This month, TDmonthly Magazine’s Infant/Toddler Roundtable participants evaluated SCHOENHUT PIANO CO.’s My First Piano II, which received glowing reviews.
Infant/Toddler: Babies Read TV (7/1/2007) This month, TDmonthly Magazine’s Infant/Toddler Roundtable participants evaluated Smart Kids — Your Baby Can Read! from PENTON OVERSEAS INC.
Baby Roundtable: Race to the Rescue in Shades (6/1/2007) This month the Infant/Toddler Roundtable participants evaluated Frubi Sunglasses from Frubi Shades, the Ernie Fire Engine by WOW, and WOW’s Harry Copter Animal Rescue
Infant/Toddler: Baby Loves Bathtime (5/1/2007) This month, the Infant/Toddler Roundtable participants evaluated the Whistling Hippos by Alex, the Whale Bath Toy by Tiny Love, and the Bathtub Fun Center by Ravensburger's Mini-Steps
Baby Roundtable: Soft Dogs Beat Hard Pigs (4/1/2007) This month the Infant/Toddler Roundtable participants evaluated the Douglas Cuddle Toys Golden Retriever Puppy and the interactive Fisher-Price Little People Light & Sound Puzzle Collection – Old MacDonald from SABABA TOYS,
Infant/Toddler: Babies Like Good Design (3/1/2007) The wooden Curvino Push Toy by Selecta became a favorite with moms and babes alike because of its craftsmanship and flexibility
Baby Roundtable: Get the Baby on the Phone (2/1/2007) Moms and babes agreed that the Tag-It! Cell Phone by ABC Development Inc. was a winner because of its soft texture and pleasing sounds
Infants and Toddlers Rate Toys (2/1/2007) Five moms with infants and toddlers evaluated six new toys and books, rating them on a scale of 1 to 5
Baby Roundtable: Babies "Read" Books (1/1/2007) Taggies' "My First Taggies Book 'Hey, Diddle, Diddle'" grabbed the attention
Infants and Toddlers Rate Toys (1/1/2007) Five sets of moms with infants and toddlers evaluated three new toys, rating them on a scale of 1 to 5, with "5" being the highest score and "1" being the lowest.
Babies Speak Out (11/1/2006) Ever wondered what was going through a baby’s head?
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