TDmonthly Magazine!
November 2011 | Vol. X - No. 11


5 Manufacturers Answer: Why Go Green?

Environmentally friendly, "green" toys have been steadily gaining in popularity. But what is the importance of playing with such toys? TDmonthly spoke with five manufacturers and asked them:

Why is it important for children to play with "green," eco-friendly toys?

Mario Ramirez-Gurria from MARAI TOYS LLC: I think its important to use eco-friendly toys because most of the things that are produced have a negative impact on the environment. When you use eco-friendly materials, you avoid that adverse impact on the environment. They can be the same quality as other toys but be safer, and the materials are becoming cheaper and more affordable for everyone.

Robin Lehnert, marketing manager at HaPe International LTD: At HaPe, our view is that the closer we can get to natural materials for the products used by our youngest consumers and our youngest audience, the better that experience will be. We're focused on trying to utilize the most natural products we can possibly use.

Sylvie de Sousa, co-founder of NATUREBAG ECO-ACTIVITIES LTD.: "We live in a world where electronics play such a large part in children's lives that staying connected with the environment is all the more important to maintain a psychological, physical and spiritual balance."

Justin Discoe, vice president of sales at SPRIG TOYS: We think it is important to save resources for any product that is made, whether through smarter materials or simply by using less packaging – we can all make a difference with the materials we choose to use.

Lea Culliton, president of HABA USA/HABERMAASS CORP: Obviously we all care about the children first.  The children are our future, and we want to provide them with the opportunity to have safe, quality products that can assist them in developing their senses and skill sets. The majority of our infant and toddler products are made out of native woods in Europe.  Wood is actually healthy for children to chew on; the enzymes released benefit the child in their growth.

Read more of what these manufacturers had to say about eco-friendly toys in our article  "What Is an Eco-Friendly Baby Toy?"

Justina HuddlestonWriter's Bio: Justina Huddleston graduated Magna Cum Laude from Emerson College with a BA in Writing, Literature, and Publishing in 2009. After graduating she was the on-site director of the Boston Children's Museum gift store for a year, selling educational, developmental, and creative activity toys that tied in with the museum's exhibits. Justina also interned at children's book publisher Candlewick Press before moving from Boston to Los Angeles, where she is now Editorial Director of TDmonthly Magazine. Read more articles by this author


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