Articles by Leslie Birdwell
Outdoor Fun With Oomph (4/1/2006) Electronic and motorized toys for the outdoors add a little extra zing.
Do-It-Yourself Fashion Keeps Crafts Cool (2/1/2006) Fashion crafting is fun for kids and profitable for retailers.
Grown-up Kid Stuff (2/1/2006) Kids want their very own electronic gizmos that really work.
It’s Chat Time for Children (1/1/2006) According to research commissioned by Firefly Mobile, 90 percent of kids ages 8 to 12 do not yet have their own cell phones. Can you spell “opportunity?”
Tween Tech Geeks Now Chic? (1/1/2006) Kids can bling their ring — for cheap.
Making Toys Makes for Double-Duty Fun (12/1/2005) Have you noticed the fuzz-blowing soft-animal-stuffing machines showing up in the cards and gifts section of the local mega-supermarket? It could be time to try something similar in your own shop by providing books and materials to host a creative happening.
Homeschoolers Like Toys, Too (11/1/2005) Homeschoolers are in your community — in growing numbers — and they’re looking for quality toys to stimulate and teach.
Kidults Answer the Phone: Grown-up Toys for Tweens (11/1/2005) Several companies have begun making specially designed cell phones for the tween market.
Crafts Kits Build Sales (10/1/2005) Crafting kits have always been good boredom-busters. To keep the category fresh, these days some combine two or more traditional craft mediums, some are smaller than their originals and some use artists’ quality materials.
The Economics of Toy Trouble (9/1/2005) TDmonthly examines the new economics of the toy retailer from a Wall Street point of view in next month´s issue.
Going Fast and Staying Safe (8/1/2005) The wise retailer will stay on top of the latest warnings from the U.S. Consumer Products Safety Commission. A spate of problems with powered scooters, coupled with new reports based on recent data, has generated recalls and warnings.
Minimotos and Pocket Bikes (8/1/2005) Pocket bike and minimoto racing organizations are springing up across the country. With teams and events boasting corporate sponsorships, what once was considered a casual hobby, like snowboarding and skateboarding, could be on its way to bigger arenas.
Building Sales With Building Blocks (7/1/2005) Construction toys for young children run the gamut from a bag of blocks for less than $20 to high-style European design.
Back-to-School for Babies? (6/1/2005) At one time, the term “going back to school” referred only to children 5 and older. These days, between schools, parents and government-sponsored programs, children are getting “ready” for school literally from day one.
Knitting Comes Together (5/1/2005) Knitting provides a world of possibilities for retailers and consumers. There is no end in sight to the popular appeal of wooly, fuzzy, glamorous and practical things that a girl – or a guy – can create.
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