TDmonthly Magazine!
December 2009 | Vol. VIII - No. 12


2010 Outlook: Toymakers Introduce Organic, Creative Playthings

Specialty Vendors Help Kids Play and Reconnect in Natural Ways

“We've begun using materials new to the market to add an extra ‘oomph’ to our already exciting line.” Damien Crocker, The Orb Factory
Some of the specialty market’s favorite vendors recently shared with TDmonthly Magazine how they’re innovating and staying fresh as we enter 2010. See below what they said about organic options, new materials, expansion and meeting both kids’ and parents’ needs.

What one word best describes your company going into 2010, and why?

DANDELION, Beth Saunders: Fresh … as in: fresh ways to integrate natural and organic materials into children’s products and meet the growing consumer demand for healthier, innovative choices. And, a company taking a fresh look at a greener, community friendly business approach.

THE ORB FACTORY, Damien Crocker: Blingtastic! The Orb Factory is in the process of reinventing the arts and crafts market to bring bling to all!

ONIONHEAD, Lane Michel: Enlightening. Onionhead & Company is more committed than ever to light a path for children of all ages to free themselves from emotional heaviness.

HABA USA, Lea Culliton: Specialty. HABA continues to focus on the specialty marketplace. We remain confident that we can provide the specialty stores with the specialty products that differentiate them from the mass market both online and in store.

BOIKIDO, David To: Growth. Boikido continues to expand both in product selection and markets. The brand is being found on more retail shelves in the U.S. and around the world.

How is your company remaining innovative?

HABA USA: We will be introducing a new line of organic infant toys.

DANDELION: Utilizing the very newest in natural and organic materials, in order to offer families healthier, fresher choices, at an affordable price.

ONIONHEAD: Onionhead is constantly evolving with products to help children of all ages better communicate and connect to their authentic heartfelt selves.

BOIKIDO: The ability to maintain a clear and coherent brand identity that carried through the whole range keeping it apart from other brands. In addition, based on consumers’ insights, we develop new products to meet the needs of consumers, e.g. the eco-friendly wooden toy range that we launched early this year has been very well received by retailers and consumers.

THE ORB FACTORY: We're always searching out and developing new and exciting concepts. We have lots of new products hitting shelves in 2010 that will speak for themselves.

What needs are you meeting with new products you're introducing at or before Toy Fair?

THE ORB FACTORY: The specific thing we're focusing with new products for 2010 is making sure to continue coming up with easy, rewarding, and inventive crafts. We've begun using materials new to the market to add an extra "oomph" to our already exciting line. The fact that parents don't need to supervise in order for their child to have a fun-filled and positive experience with our products has always been a huge component of our success. This is another area being improved upon in 2010. We're always intensely focused on innovation ... or is it blingovation?

DANDELION: Growing consumer interest in high-quality green, natural and organic products for their children.

ONIONHEAD: Onionhead is constantly evolving with products to help children of all ages better communicate and connect to their authentic heartfelt selves. Onionhead’s newest products address the growing market of child desensitization. Onionhead helps kids reconnect… It’s Just That Simple!

HABA USA: Again I would have to say specialty. We’re answering the needs of our specialty store whether it is an “all natural parenting store” or a traditional gift store. HABA, as usual, will introduce a myriad of new items from baby to games to room décor.

BOIKIDO: Boikido brings together the art of toy making, education and environmental needs.

Julie L. JonesWriter's Bio: Julie L. Jones has written articles for both newspapers and magazines. Before joining the staff of TDmonthly Magazine, she worked as a communications writer and provided editorial support for a market research company. Read more articles by this author


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