TDmonthly Magazine!
March 2004 | Vol. III - No. 3


GrayMatter: A Board Game That is Anything But Trivial

The new GrayMatterTM (ToyDirectory,ToyShow) board game dares players to question their own knowledge of trivia. A series of fun and engaging trivia questions provide a choice of potential answers that empowers players of all ages to think, discuss and choose. Great for family gatherings, parties or any other social occasion, GrayMatter’s singular appeal seems to be the way it delivers entertainment and variety in a simple and easy to understand format.

The premise is simple:  If players don´t like literature questions, then they don´t have to choose them. Players can ask what they they know, or take a chance and find out what their knowledge is of a particular category. Questions might ask players to finish a song lyric, fill in the blank or even solve a riddle. It´s always different, always interesting and always fun. The best part: Every question offers interesting and factual follow up information that will have players saying "huh... I didn´t know that.”



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