TDmonthly Magazine!
August 2005 | Vol. IV - No. 8


Plastic: Life, or Death?

"Toxic Toys? No Thank You!" [1] "Toys That Can Kill" [2] "Toys Cited As Hazards To Children" [3] These headlines are bombarding the globe. But can the claims be substantiated? Is this a hoax?

Greenpeace and many other industry and consumer watchdogs are fighting to have PVC prohibited worldwide. They believe that an element in the makeup of this plastic might be toxic; that there could be some metal content that is noxious. Still, the question remains: Are they right, or are these just scare tactics? Is this real science, or “junk” science? In what could be the most important issue in toys today, TDmonthly Magazine takes an in-depth look behind the smoke of battle to investigate the WAR OVER PVC.

On one side is the toy and plastic industries, which defend the use of PVC/vinyl. The world’s chlorine and vinyl industries have said it point blank: “Vinyl toys have been used safely for more than 50 years by children all around the world. Toys made from (PVC) have to meet stringent health and safety requirements. The vinyls industry always puts safety first and we will continue to do that.” Are they right, or are they putting millions of children at risk?

Greenpeace has made their position plain as far back as 1997: They want parents to return all vinyl products to stores and call upon retailers to remove all vinyl items from the market. "Children should be able to play with Barbie, Tweety and Mickey Mouse without being poisoned," says Joseph Di Gangi, PhD, Greenpeace toxics campaigner. Seventy-one percent of all toys are made of PVC. If Greenpeace is right, the risk is tremendous, but if they are wrong … billions of dollars and tens of thousands of jobs will be lost. It would be an economic disaster.

Next month, TDmonthly Magazine examines the truth about PVC toxicity. Are our children safe? Are our jobs? PVC toxicity: truth or scare?

[1] CHEC’s HealtheHouse
[2] Fused Magazine
[3] Los Angeles Times

Click here to read "Plastic Death, Truth or Scare?" in full.


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