Researchers at TDmonthly Magazine survey consumers, interview retailers, review industry papers, and read archived articles written for principal business publications. Through all this, they discover not only what sells best but why. 
In every issue of TDmonthly Magazine you’ll read about Top 10 Most Wanted products which are broken down by product categories.
TDmonthly Magazine staff have been reviewing feedback on this expanding feature, and have learned how these lists are used by retailers to better manage inventory and take advantage of demand, how parents are using the lists to guide purchases for holidays and birthdays, and how collectors check in with TDmonthly´s Top 10 Most Wanted Lists to identify tomorrow’s classics today.
We’ll be expanding the TDmonthly Top 10 Most Wanted Lists research in the coming months, but you can take advantage of it today - before it becomes a service exclusive to our paid members. To read the TDmonthly Top 10 Most Wanted Lists, click on the links below.
Click on the links below for TDmonthly Magazine’s Top 10 Most Wanted. We know you are crunched for time, so every list is a quick read.
Top Ten Most Wanted Toys for Boys: Up to Preschool
Top Ten Most Wanted Vehicles for Boys
TDmonthly’s Top 10 Most Wanted Girls Plush
TDmonthly’s Top 10 Most Wanted Girls Arts & Crafts
TDmonthly´s Top 10 Most Wanted Collectibles
TDmonthly’s Top 10 Most Wanted TV Action Figures