TDmonthly Magazine!
February 2004 | Vol. III - No. 2


“Race for the Checkered” Brings Stock Car Racing to the Card Table

ItsOkay (ToyDirectory) President Barbara Pond and husband Leroy supported three local stock car racing teams before deciding to build on their love of the sport by creating a racing game. Race for the Checkered contains four decks of cards, tally/score sheets and a one-inch custom die with green and red flags on either side.

Players roll the die, and then draw a Driver Number card, then a Qualifying Speed Card to establish order of play. The highest qualifying speed player draws a Track Point Card to determine the Points for a race.

“Go Behind The Wall” or “Flat Tire” cards will put you at the back of the pack, while “Fastest Pit Crew” can put you in the lead again.

“Everything about the game is racing oriented,” say the Ponds. “The game is simple but exciting … encouraging young race fans to use their math skills to add and subtract their score on the tally sheets provided.”


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