TDmonthly Magazine!
December 2009 | Vol. VIII - No. 12


Novelties & Other Gifts

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Wholesale Price: (Log in to view)
MSRP: $27.00
Age Range: 5 and up
SKU or Item #: 60201
Gender: Boys And Girls
Category: Novelties
Science & Nature
General Toys

The wand is designed to look like a true wizard’s magic wand. The patented magic wand allows levitating objects indoors to go as high as the ceiling allows. With or without a magic spell, just press the button and watch how toy objects included with the set expand and fly up as high as you can make them go. Awards: TDmonthly Innovations 2008.
— The wand demonstrates “real levitation,” Olga Ousherovitch, president and co-owner of Toysie LLC, told TDmonthly.

ToyDirectory Product ID#: 16890      (added 1/2/2008)

Age Range: 5 and up
Gender: Boys And Girls
Category: Novelties
General Toys

Kids today can enjoy this classic metal toy as much as their parents did when they were children. Awards: TDmonthly Classic 2008.
— Original Slinkys are one of the top-10 best sellers at the Lollipop Shop in Jonesborough, Tenn., and Kiawah Island, S.C., Co-owner Jeff Gurley told TDmonthly in spring 2008.
— “Slinkys are still doing very well,” Ray Goodhart of Ages & Stages Toy Box in Golden, Colo., told TDmonthly in May 2008, noting that they sell “probably 15 to 20” per month.
— “Slinky — nostalgia does very well,” Linda Hill, owner of Emerald Isle Toys in Emerald Isle, N.C., told TDmonthly in May 2008. “[We sell] 50 per year … [to] kids — not parents — looking for older toys.”
— In May 2008, three of 55 retailers named the Slinky as one of their best-selling novelty items. Original Slinkys are a top-10 best seller at the Lollipop Shop in Jonesborough, Tenn., and Kiawah Island, S.C., Co-owner Jeff Gurley told TDmonthly in spring 2008.

Where to Buy: Rocking Horse Toy Store; Berkira

ToyDirectory Product ID#: 19263      (added 6/4/2008)

MSRP: $34.95
Age Range: 3 and up
Gender: Boys And Girls
Category: Rail Roads & Trains
Wooden Toys

Munipals' first train and track set is a great starter set for any subway fan. The set comprises two 42 Street Shuttle cars and 19 track pieces, enough to build ovals, loops, and straight shuttle runs over 6' long. Being the only IRT shuttle in the system, the real 42 Street Shuttle carries nearly a quarter million people every week. It runs on tracks only 20' beneath the street, with each of the three shuttle trains making an average of 360 runs each day.
ToyDirectory Product ID#: 20952      (added 10/16/2008)

Age Range: 5 and up
Gender: Boys And Girls
Category: Novelties

In extreme miniature, these multi-colored erasers are made to look like delicious gourmet cakes decorated with thick frosting and fruit slices. Each cake has six separate slices and comes in a round case. Four differently colored varieties are available.
― “The Iwako erasers seem to be a hot one,” said Pat Selby, owner of Calico Cat in West Bainbridge Island, Wash., about her top-selling items for girls in summer 2009.
― Deran Muckjian, owner of Catch a Falling Star, told TDmonthly in June 2009 that both locations of Catch of Falling Star sell 1,000 Iwako erasers per month.
ToyDirectory Product ID#: 24757      (added 7/24/2009)

Wholesale Price: (Log in to view)
MSRP: $89.95
Age Range: 8 and up
SKU or Item #: TM101
Launch Date: April 2007
Gender: Boys And Girls
Category: Science & Nature

This product defies well-known scientific theorem by featuring one permanent magnet floating on top of another. A globe (or any suitable object) can be made to levitate above a specially engineered, electromagnetic base. It appears to defy the Earnshaw-Braunbeck theorem, more than a century old. Launch date: April 2007.
— The fact that this globe seems to defy a long-known scientific theorem related to magnets is one reason it received a TDmonthly Innovations 2007 award. It also makes a great desk ornament, sure to stop all passersby who just can’t help but take a closer look.
ToyDirectory Product ID#: 11618      (added 2/23/2007)

MSRP: $9.99
Age Range: 8 and up
Gender: Boys And Girls
Category: Robotics
General Toys

The micro-robotic HEXBUG is a tiny, obedient insect that features bump-sensor feelers that help it avoid objects in its path. It responds to clapping or other loud noise by backing up or changing direction. The HEXBUG is small enough to fit in the hand and comes in five different body types and colors including pink, blue, green, yellow and orange. Awards: TDmonthly Innovations 2008.
— According to more than 60 reviews on and, this fun, durable toy has been rated 4 out of 5 stars due to its entertaining and educational features. It is portable for any occasion and appropriate for any age. Consumers should be careful though, as they have been known to be flimsy and easily breakable, like real bugs! (09.12.08)
— "Everyone wants one, from adults to kids," Charles Bonner, owner of Heights Toy Center in Little Rock, Ark., told TDmonthly of this best seller in April 2009. "I sell 200 to 250 a month." Three of 44 retailers tagged Hexbugs as an overall best seller in late fall 2009.

— During a September 2010 survey, two of 44 retailers listed Hexbugs as their top-seller for tweens.

ToyDirectory Product ID#: 17476      (added 2/12/2008)

MSRP: $19.95
Gender: Boys And Girls
Category: Novelties

Hog Wild's already distinctive and innovative Faucet Light is new and improved. It now changes color when the water changes temperature. When the water is hot, the light turns red. When the water is cold, the light turns blue. The magic point at which the change occurs is 89º F. The Faucet Light is fun and functional. It's also ideal for the kids’ bathroom, and a smart gift for older people, too. It works on most faucets and includes universal adaptors for 95 percent coverage across the U.S.
— "Little fun pick-me-ups, like the Faucet Light from Hog Wild, do well," said Kate Tanner, owner of Kidstop Toy & Book Store in Scottsdale, Ariz.
— This version of Hog Wild’s Faucet Light brings extra visual appeal and utility by warning users if the sink water is hot or cold. It’s both fun and functional, and makes for an innovative extra nightlight for late trips to the bathroom or kitchen. It might even encourage kids to wash their hands more often! Therefore, it was awarded a TDmonthly Innovations 2007 award.

Where to Buy: Escapade Direct

ToyDirectory Product ID#: 13111      (added 5/24/2007)

MSRP: $9.95
Launch Date: February 2007
Gender: Boys And Girls
Category: Robotics

Eyes jiggle, legs wiggle and antennae sway to-and-fro in the combo tango-jitterbug-Frightened Grasshopper dance. This little kit is an attention-grabber. Pint-sized and powered to pack a punch, this enticing amusing solar bug will capture kids’ hearts while demonstrating an alternative energy principle. No batteries or tools are required, and there are fewer than 10 parts to assemble. This product received a 2007 Seal of Excellence from Creative Child Magazine. Launch date: February 2007.
— For promoting the use of solar energy in a hoppin’ way, this cute, little grasshopper received a TDmonthly Innovations 2007 award. It is simple to assemble and reacts immediately when placed under sunlight, clicking its legs across the ground as it rattles around, shivering with fear.
ToyDirectory Product ID#: 11694      (added 2/27/2007)

Wholesale Price: (Log in to view)
MSRP: $19.99
Age Range: 8 and up
Launch Date: October 2008
Gender: Boys And Girls
Category: Remote Controlled
General Toys

The HEXBUG Inchworm is the first Micro Robotic Creature in the HEXBUG line to feature a full-function IR remote control. Users drive the Inchworm forward, back, left and right. A and B control bands allow users to control two Inchworms at once or multiple Inchworms on the same band. The product features a unique crawling and pirouette motion around its center pod foot. "This unique HEXBUG Micro Robotic impulse item is offered in a five-pack impulse counter display with five-color variety assortment," Joel Carter, VP of marketing for Innovation First, told TDmonthly. Launch date: October 15, 2008.
— The Inchworm has been a top seller at Pufferbellies in Staunton, Va., for at least a year, according to co-owner Susan Blanton in fall 2009.
— The Hexbug Inchworm is a popular item at the Toy Shop of Concord in Concord, Mass., Owner David Hesel told TDmonthly in late 2009.
ToyDirectory Product ID#: 20882      (added 10/2/2008)

MSRP: $3.99
Launch Date: March 2008
Gender: Boys And Girls
Category: Fashion & Accessories

PakNaks are soft, rubbery 3-D decorations designed for kids (and adults!) to use to personalize backpacks, lunch bags, headbands, computer bags, household items and more. There are more than 40 available designs. Customized Velcro makes them interchangeable and weather resistant, and they quickly and easily adhere to surfaces. Robert measures 2.5” x 2.5”.
— “PakNaks are from a new little small company, and we’ve been selling them like hotcakes since Easter,” said Michelle Smith, owner of Piccolo Mondo Toys in Portland, Ore., in December 2008. “We were the first ones to launch them.”
ToyDirectory Product ID#: 20554      (added 9/19/2008)

MSRP: $4.95
Age Range: 5 and up
Gender: Boys And Girls
Category: Balls

These Painted Tip, Inside-Out Balls come in two sizes. When flipped inside out, the painted tips reveal an array of color. They were introduced in January 2005 and have exceeded the company´s retail expectations.
Virtually every retailer who has these products has told TDmonthly Magazine over the past year that this is a hot-selling product.
— “Are you kidding? They love them!” Chuck Susmilch, owner of J.T. Puffin’s in Madison, Wis., responded when asked how well they were selling at his store. “We always sell a lot at Christmastime.” He said that other stretchy products, such as the Urchin Ball and Glow-in-the-Dark, Inside-Out Ball from Play Visions, were also great sellers.
— It’s a ball … it’s a wig … it’s anything you want it to be! Retailers want best sellers and the Inside-Out Ball is that, too, which is why it was chosen for a TDmonthly Top Seller 2007 award.
ToyDirectory Product ID#: 2673      (added 1/31/2005)

MSRP: $9.99
Age Range: 8 and up
Launch Date: February 2009
Gender: Boys And Girls
Category: Robotics

Joining the company's family of micro-robotic creatures, this six-legged ant features thin, mobile antennas and travels very quickly. Launch date: February 15, 2009.
ToyDirectory Product ID#: 22244      (added 1/28/2009)


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