TDmonthly Magazine!
November 2006 | Vol. V - No. 11


Six Things You Need to Know About ToyDirectory

ToyDirectory's General Manager Gets Down to Business

“You can even debut new or developing products to ToyDirectory’s exclusive list of verified toy-store owners across the nation ...”
Tho Ngo,, Inc.
In celebration of 10 years in the toy industry, Inc.’s general manager, Tho Ngo, answered six questions about why ToyDirectory is so effective.

1. What kind of retailers does ToyDirectory reach?

  • Our 26,500 registered retailers range across the board: gift shops, toyshops, museum stores ... everyone from mom-and-pop operations to mass-market retailers.
  • ToyDirectory can also identify smaller groups of retailers that have requested information on your specific product category, and broadcast your products directly to them.
  • You can even debut new or developing products to ToyDirectory’s exclusive list of verified toy-store owners across the nation — thus allowing committed and long-term toy-store owners to see your products without the risk of your competitors getting a peek, too.
2. I can see the value of broadcasts. But why do I need to be listed on ToyDirectory if I already have a Web site?

  • ToyDirectory and TDmonthly Magazine let our 26,500 registered retailers conduct their buying research on one site, rather than trying to visit hundreds of discrete manufacturer Web sites.
  • You are more likely to be contacted by these retailers if your contact information and Web site are listed on ToyDirectory.
3. How else does ToyDirectory facilitate business between manufacturers and retailers?

  • ToyDirectory assists you in long-term branding by giving your products constant exposure.
  • Unlike other venues for bringing manufacturers and retailers together, ToyDirectory doesn’t impose time limits on your displays. Retailers are therefore empowered to coordinate their inquiries and buying around their own unique purchasing cycles.
4. How does ToyDirectory keep the toy industry vital and innovative?

  • ToyDirectory lets small and/or new manufacturers get noticed by retailers, making them more competitive with larger, more established companies.
  • ToyDirectory attaches launch dates and prices to products whenever possible, compelling manufacturers to continuously come up with more innovative and affordable toys, games and gifts.
5. Will you ever have a print version of TDmonthly Magazine?

  • Print is outdated, expensive, doesn’t reach as many readers and can’t begin to offer the dynamic services that ToyDirectory features.
  • We have more than 4,000 pages of searchable articles in our archives; searching back-issues for a product that’s suddenly “hot” takes retailers only minutes.
  • TDmonthly also features nearly 700 videos of products in and out of the box; you’ll never get that in a print publication.
6. What has ToyDirectory accomplished after 10 years in the toy industry?

  • ToyDirectory has more than 1,400 manufacturer clients.
  • More than 26,500 retailers have registered with ToyDirectory.
  • ToyDirectory has more than 205,000 visitors every month.
  • ToyDirectory takes great pride in having helped so many thousands of manufacturers and retailers dramatically improve their businesses and increase sales. We are honored to have helped get great toys into the hands of children … and our goal is to facilitate the design and distribution of even greater toys.
Please click here to read testimonials from manufacturers.

Please click here to read testimonials from retailers.

Alison MarekWriter's Bio: ALISON MAREK is an award-winning writer, director and cartoonist whose work has been published by Fairchild Publications and DC Comics (Piranha Press), broadcast on Showtime and other cable networks, and viewed worldwide in film festivals. See her short films and print work on Watch her nefarious villains in the web series Get inspired by her cartoons "Daily ARFFirmations to Unleash Your Inner Fido" at Phew! And then ...  Read more articles by this author


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