Ten Years of ToyDirectory: Retailers Talk BackWhat They Think of TDmonthly Magazine
Click here to read last month's 10-Year Anniversary article.
This year, ToyDirectory celebrates its tenth anniversary. We were up on the Web before most people even knew what it was … or where.
What were we doing there? What do we do now? This year, we asked retailers who use ToyDirectory and its sister site, TDmonthly Magazine, to tell you in their own words how they've been able to research new products for their stores, contact manufacturers and stay abreast of what's happening in the specialty toy market:
"I love getting (TDmonthly)! I saw the PUMGO (by LandSurf) (ToyShow) for the first time on your site, and I brought it in and did pretty well with it. And I was the only one in Montana who had it … It's actually pretty great!" — Denise Hoffman, owner of A Pocketful of Toys, Fallon, Mont.
"The best thing about [your videotaping me at Toy Fair 2006] is that I saw your site and found a gazillion things to read there: rating toys in the homeschool articles, etc. It was one of the best things that came out of Toy Fair." — Michelle Deutschmann, owner of Kaleidoscope Toys, Falmouth, Mass.
"I go onto your site when I'm looking for information on new toys, anything new to the market and any news relative to the toy industry. … We learned of Sudoku through TDmonthly. We got it in before Christmas, and we sold through it. I'm going to be ordering some of the books I just read about in an article. … I really like the site." — Sherrie Cannon, owner of Discovery Depot in Cookeville, Tenn.
"I have your site in my Favorites and go back and look from time to time … at least once a week. I try to spend a good chunk of time researching." — Betty Nobles, buyer for Village Toy Shop in New Hartford, N.Y.
"I went through and found several things I was interested in, including Fanny's Playhouse (ToyShow). … I've ordered and they're great things, and I wouldn't have heard about them otherwise. The articles on the site have been really helpful because we've never run a toy store before …" — Mary Sisson, owner of Kazoodles in Vancouver, Wash. (Opening March 2006)
"I research to see who's doing what, what's coming out, who's the distributor, where I can get the merchandise." — Carolyn Stevens, owner of Collectibles N Toys in Wayne, N.J.
"I use it all the time. I really like the Retailer Spotlight … I also use it to look up a vendor that I need information on … such as Red Farm. I get busy, but I'm pretty much able to go every month and see what's new." — Jan Adamson, owner of Annie's Toy Chest in Cocoa, Fla.
"The new owners of the store have been using [TDmonthly Magazine], so they're definitely finding things. I've been in the business a little longer than them, so I'm more familiar with the toys, but they've brought things to my attention that I've never seen or carried. They're definitely seeing it as a pretty valuable tool." — Kevin Hart, buyer for Toy Store, in Atlanta.
"I get the Bloom Report and I go to your site from there to search for new products." — Angie Wilkos, owner of Cherry Street Kids in Black Mountain, N.C.
"I like reading the articles about other dealers and about business in general." — Joyce Hoover, owner of the Doll & Gift Gallery in Rogers, Ariz.
"It's great! I find it very informative. … I've gone through the newsletter to contact the companies to find out if they have fairy products." — Katina Dispenza, owner of
"You offer a great service. I registered, and have also used the Inquiry Basket." — Ricki Block, owner of Ariel's Child in New Windsor, N.Y.
"Your site's very easy to use." — Jeff Gurley, owner of The Lollipop Shop, Jonesborough, Tenn.
What follows are some of the products they've found on our site over the years.
Click here to read next month's 10-Year Anniversary article.
Although PUMGOs resemble skateboards, with the PUMGO, riders never have to push off the ground to propel it. Instead, users merely pump the deck back and forth. This motion is transferred through a four-wheel-drive system to propel the board at up to 10 miles per hour. The PUMGO requires no motors, batteries or pushing. It was featured in the November 2005 issue of Boy's Life and the December 2005 issue of Sports Illustrated for Kids. ToyDirectory Product ID#: 3182 (added 3/8/2005) . TD
Sudoku (or Su Doku) requires filling in a nine-by-nine-square grid so that each column, row and nine smaller three-by-three-square grids contain the digits 1 through 9. It requires no mathematical skill, and eliminates the language barriers created by other puzzles. ToyDirectory Product ID#: 5465 (added 11/10/2005) . TD
Sudoku is simple to play, but challenging to master. To play, select one of the 50 puzzles from the enclosed booklet, and place the number tiles, red side up, on the game board. To solve the puzzle, fill in each square on the grid with a black number tile so that every row, every column and every 3 by 3 grid contains the digits 1 through 9. Available Spring 2006. ToyDirectory Product ID#: 5906 (added 12/9/2005) . TD
This is an electronic handheld version of the popular pencil puzzle game that's sweeping the nation. With a million random puzzles and a super big LCD, this is a gift worthy of any Sudoku master. ToyDirectory Product ID#: 5946 (added 12/14/2005) . TD
Baby Bottoms 12" baby rag dolls are anatomically correct with truly adorable faces. The dolls are available in four different skin tones and in both boy and girl versions. Realistic, developmentally appropriate dolls help children grow up with a healthy body image. The outfits are removable and the dolls are machine washable and dryable. ToyDirectory Product ID#: 1958 (added 12/21/2004) . TD
This kit comes with four beautifully lithographed 11 3/4" by 17 1/4" prints on #90 cold press watercolor paper, each formatted to fit a 10" by 14" opening on a 16" by 20" mat and frame. The four artistic scenes depict true-to-life horses in the field, up close and from afar. The kit comes with a strip of 8 bright watercolor paints along with a fine quality bristle brush that young artists can use to color in each scene. ToyDirectory Product ID#: 6418 (added 1/9/2006) . TD
The "Works of Art" Paintables measure 11 3/4" by 17 1/4" and are attractively packaged in red and purple frames. Each set contains six different lithographed illustrations, relating to one specific topic, printed on heavy recycled vellum paper. ToyDirectory Product ID#: 4861 (added 9/29/2005) . TD
Age Range: 6 to 10Gender: Girls
These dolls are part of the Legends of the Faery Folk property that consists of an expanding doll line, book series, Web site and future DVD series. The dolls are magical interpretations of the fairies that inhabit gardens and forests, and each character is supported by a rich back-story that has a strong environmental message. The Web site includes craft projects and downloadable fairy tales. ToyDirectory Product ID#: 3212 (added 3/14/2005) . TD
MSRP: $49.95Gender: Girls
This is the best fairy dress FairyTales Portrait Props carries. Dreamy fine chiffon "petals" make this dress the finest fairy dress on the market. It is perfect alone, or one can pin flowers on it to dress it up. (Flowers not included.) Colors vary according to availability. ToyDirectory Product ID#: 6291 (added 1/4/2006) . TD
It's a funny little story I'm sure you've never heard. You may think it's kind of silly — probably absurd. Why, no matter if you comb your hair before you go to bed, in the morning when you wake up you have tangles in your head? The tale is so surprising so startling, and so merry. It really is the fault of little Tangle Fairies. ToyDirectory Product ID#: 6685 (added 1/25/2006) . TD
The second Scramble Squares style in the Fantasy Category, Fairies is a charming depiction of boy and girl fairies flitting around their mushroom cottages, tossing fairy dust and waving magic wands. ToyDirectory Product ID#: 3020 (added 2/27/2005) . TD

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