Articles by Virginia Davis
Celebrating Twenty Years of IDEX (3/1/2011) For twenty years, IDEX has brought together artists, manufacturers, suppliers, retailers and collectors for one glorious week at the end of January
Dolls Show Their Dark Side at IDEX 2010 (3/1/2010) At the International Expo of Dolls show in Orlando, Fla., Jan. 28-31, Alice in Wonderland made an appearance at nearly every one-of-a-kind artist booth, it seemed.
Reviving Doll Collecting Amid a Fading Generation (8/1/2009) Old friends were reunited and new friends made over a mutual love for dolls during the 60th annual meeting of The United Federation of Doll Clubs and the Original Doll Artist Council of America convention held in Atlanta, Ga., the week of July 12.
Global Green Pal Inspires Eco-Education (7/1/2009) TDmonthly Magazine’s Dolls Roundtable learned there is a world of wonder down under as they traveled with Restoration Gallery’s Pink Coral Laurel, from the Global Green Pals line, in her pretty pink snorkel gear to Australia’s coral reef.
Sweet Fairy Doll Flies into the Hearts of Those Young at Heart (4/1/2009) TDmonthly Magazine's Dolls Roundtable recently reviewed the Sweet as Can Be Fairy Doll from Linda Rick, The Doll Maker, and were delighted with her sparkling presentation
IDEX 2009: Dolls Draw Attention Despite Economy (3/1/2009) Warm Florida weather greeted enthusiastic attendees as exhibitors displayed one of a kind dolls, play dolls, reborn babies, limited editions, and doll clothing and accessories alongside many celebrity artists at the 2009 Idex Premiere Jan. 30-Feb. 1 in Orlando.
Travel Charmers Charm Adults and Children Alike (9/1/2008) TDmonthly Magazine’s Dolls Roundtable reviewers loved the soft bodies, embroidered faces, cute outfits and delightful charm bracelets of Karito Kids Travel Charmers, a new line of five dolls from KidsGive.
Bath Doll Makes a Splash With Reviewers (8/1/2008) TDmonthly Magazine’s Dolls Roundtable participants were taken with the Götz Maxi Aquini Blonde Baby Bath Doll from International Playthings.
Retailing Tips: Finding the Right Dolls (8/1/2008) I remember, as a child, pressing my face against a toy-store window and falling in love with a doll. At the time, choices for toys and dolls were more limited.
Girls Give Language Littles Doll an “A” in French (7/1/2008) TDmonthly Magazine’s Dolls Roundtable participants recently reviewed Language Littles’ French doll, Jolie. While the two storeowners had several suggestions for improvement, the girls were intrigued by Jolie and enjoyed trying out another language.
Doll Reviewers Applaud Flatsy's Poseability and Style (6/1/2008) TDmonthly Magazine’s Dolls Roundtable participants recently reviewed Schylling’s Flatsy, a remake of a 1960s doll.
Doll Companies Recreate Old Favorites (6/1/2008) Many women have happy childhood memories of playing with dolls and many have passed on their playthings to the next generation.
Doll Experts Give Madame Alexander's Eloise Perfect Score (5/1/2008) Participants in TDmonthly Magazine’s Dolls Roundtable reviewed the Eloise doll by Alexander Doll Co.
Store Closings Hit Specialty Market (5/1/2008) A mid-April “New York Times” article reported that midsize retailers such as Sharper Image and Levitz have declared bankruptcy thanks to falling sales and overwhelming debt. The winds of change are sweeping the toy world, too
New Dolls for 2008 (2/1/2008) When TDmonthly Magazine calls toy-store owners about hot sellers, dolls aren’t usually at the top of their lists.
DOLLS ROUNDTABLE: Love Is Green (1/1/2008) The participants of TDmonthly Magazine’s Dolls Roundtable appreciated the bright color and small, cuddly nature of Eva, a 12” cloth doll from Ella and Friends, though some believe the suggested retail price might be too high, even for a quality doll.
Dolls Roundtable: Dancing With Terri Lee (12/1/2007) TDmonthly Magazine’s Dolls Roundtable participants were delighted with the price point and playability of the Prima Princess Ballerina Doll by Terri Lee Associates.
Dr. Toy Urges Awareness in the World of Toys (12/1/2007) TDmonthly Magazine recently caught up with child development expert Dr. Stevanne Auerbach, known as “Dr. Toy,” on her way to Washington D.C. to kick off the annual “Toys for Tots” program. She gave her thoughts on the troubled toy industry and child’s play today:
Dolls Roundtable: Press ‘n Dress is Popular (11/1/2007) This month, TDmonthly Magazine’s Dolls Roundtable reviewed the Two’s Company and Dinner Party sets of Press n’ Dress dolls and accessories by Pockets of Learning.
Dolls: Thinking “Glad” With Pollyanna (10/1/2007) This month, TDmonthly Magazine’s Dolls Roundtable participants reviewed Tonner Doll Company's Pollyanna, a 14” fashion doll that is similar to Tonner’s Betsy McCall doll.
Dolls Won't Let Up (10/1/2007) Little girls have always wanted to have a cuddly doll to tell their problems to, and it's no different today. playzak asked 62 toy-store owners about what's new and marvelous in dolls
Dolls: A Lee Middleton Trio (9/1/2007) This month, TDmonthly Magazine’s Dolls Roundtable participants reviewed three age-specific dolls by Lee Middleton
Nostalgia Never Fades (9/1/2007) Nostalgia and retro are all the rage, according to owners of specialty shops and chain stores in the southeastern United States.
How American Girl Became an "Experience" (9/1/2007) On August 18, 2007, girls from North Carolina, South Carolina, Alabama, Florida, Tennessee and other neighboring states flocked to the Atlanta, Ga., American Girl store, celebrating its grand opening as it joined locations in New York, Chicago and Los Angeles.
Hot Babes (8/1/2007) Over the past three to four months, a number of retailers have told TDmonthly Magazine that baby doll sales are up, and it’s all thanks to little girls
How to Thrive With Dolls (8/1/2007) “Since 2000, the collectible market has gone soft,” North American Director Beau James of Corolle recently told TDmonthly Magazine.
Dolls on the Uprise (7/1/2007) Over the past couple of months, several retailers have told TDmonthly that baby dolls are enjoying renewed popularity
Dolls: Corolle's Bébé Do (7/1/2007) This month, Dolls Roundtable participants reviewed Corolle’s Bébé Do — an infant doll they fell in love with before the package was even opened
Dolls: Karito Kids Take Girls Around the Globe (6/1/2007) This month, TDmonthly Magazine's Dolls Roundtable participants reviewed the Karito Kids Wan Ling doll by KidsGive
Dolls Roundtable: Corolle (6/1/2007) You wrap up the doll and the customer takes it home. But what do collectors, kids and grandmas really think about a baby doll once it's out of the box?
Dolls: Käthe Kruse's Melena (5/1/2007) This month, Dolls Roundtable participants took a look at Melena — a Käthe Kruse rag doll by Europlay.
Dolls: Teaching Unselfishness (4/1/2007) This month, TDmonthly Magazine’s Dolls Roundtable participants reviewed the P31 Elizabeth “Pure Heart” doll by One2Believe.
Dolls: Only Hearts Are All Heart (3/1/2007) From the heart of Georgia, grandmas, moms, daughters, collectors and a retailer turned their critical eyes to soft, poseable 9” fashion dolls known as the Only Hearts Club
Report from IDEX's Sweet Sixteen (2/1/2007) TDmonthly Magazine attended the 16th annual IDEX show January 19-21
"Reborn" Doll Sales With Kits (2/1/2007) While many collectors are still shopping for dolls, others are now producing their own
Sales Reborn With Doll-Making Kits (12/1/2006) Some "reborn" artists will spend more than 40 hours making a doll — an art that’s exciting doll collectors and opening up new opportunities for retail stores
Awesome Kids Believes in Awesome Kids (11/1/2006) When Frank Phelps and Joan de Souza started Awesome Kids in 1991, they knew it would be awesome for kids, but little did they realize that by 2006 their product line of six themed toys-in-the-box products would grow to 42.
Corolle Dolls Makes Classics to Last a Lifetime (10/1/2006) Corolle Dolls has been in business for almost 28 years.
Green and White Battle for Yellow (9/1/2006) Green is the new yellow, retailers told TDmonthly Magazine.
Throw Out the Yellow Blankies (8/1/2006) Green is the new fave color for tiny tots, retailers across the nation told TDmonthly.
Silly Collectors, Dolls Are for Kids (8/1/2006) The start of the 21st century has seen a decline in the collectible doll market, and many manufacturers and retailers are once again focusing their products toward children.
Fairies Fly Back On — and Off — the Shelves (8/1/2006) The Fairies are back. Everyone from Disney to OOAK (one-of-a-kind) artists are in on the game ...
Keeping High-End Doll Sales High-Spirited (7/1/2006) What’s the difference between those retailers who fail and those who succeed?
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